2 Arrested For Dressing As Policemen

The Ghana Police Service says it has arrested two individuals, dressed as police officers at the voting grounds of the Okaikoi South New Patriotic Party (NPP) constituency elections. John Essel Read More... The post 2 Arrested For Dressing As Policemen appeared first on DailyGuide Network.

2 Arrested For Dressing As Policemen

The Ghana Police Service says it has arrested two individuals, dressed as police officers at the voting grounds of the Okaikoi South New Patriotic Party (NPP) constituency elections.

John Essel Bath and Enock Kwame Bosompem, were spotted at the Prince of Peace School compound at Bububiashie where the election was taking place.

A statement signed by the Director-General in charge of Public Affairs, DCOP Kwesi Ofori, said the two who have been arrested are currently in custody and assisting with ongoing investigations.

“The Police have arrested two persons who showed up at the ongoing NPP Constituency Executive Elections wearing clothing that created the impression that they were police personnel.

“The two suspects John Essel Bath and Enock Kwame Bosompem were spotted on Thursday, April 28 2022 at the Okaikoi South Constituency where the voting was taking place”

“We would like to emphatically state that the two suspects are not police officers. Meanwhile, they are in custody as investigations continue” the statement added.

By Vincent Kubi

The post 2 Arrested For Dressing As Policemen appeared first on DailyGuide Network.