2 Die In Akatsi Youth, Police Clash

There is uneasy calm at Akatsi in the Akatsi South Municipality of the Volta Region following a violent clash between the Police and youth of the area. So far, two Read More... The post 2 Die In Akatsi Youth, Police Clash appeared first on DailyGuide Network.

2 Die In Akatsi Youth, Police Clash

There is uneasy calm at Akatsi in the Akatsi South Municipality of the Volta Region following a violent clash between the Police and youth of the area.

So far, two persons identified as Setor and Hamza are said to have died while some youth have been injured.

There has also been the destruction of some property, including vehicles of the Police after the youth attacked the Akatsi Police station in retaliation for alleged police brutality.

As of the time of filing this report, calm has returned to the town following intervention from the Volta Regional Police Commander, Edward Oduro Kwateng, and the Municipal Chief Executive, Martin Kofitse Nyahe.

A resident, Elikem Anku narrated that a night ago, the Police Assault Control Van during a night operation chased some three persons riding on one motorbike.

The chase was a result of an alleged theft case. In the process, the police knocked the trio off the motorbike.

Setor Agormeda, 20 years got severely injured and was rushed to the Akatsi Municipal Hospital, together with Ademu Jemino, aged 18, a pillion rider, and Nelly Wilson Lumor, the motor rider aged 19.

The three are all students of Akatsi Senior High Technical School (AKAST).

Setor was transferred to the Ridge Hospital in Accra on Sunday dawn (April 10, 2022) due to the severity of his condition but he was pronounced dead on arrival.

The news of Setor’s death infuriated the youth in the town who massed up and approached the Akatsi Police station.

Abdul Wahab, another eyewitness recounted that the young men numbering over a hundred wielded stones, clubs, and tyres (for blocking the road).

They hurled stones and sticks at the Police while others joined to increase their numbers.

The Police quickly repelled the attack by firing warning shots and forming a mobile barricade.

In the course of the melee which ensued on Sunday morning, April 10, 2022, two of the youth namely, Hamza Ademu and Yao, popularly known as Agboyibor were hit by stray bullets.

The two were rushed to the Akatsi Municipal Hospital; where Hamza was later pronounced dead.

The other is reported to have been transferred to the Ho Teaching Hospital.

With the help of the Police reinforcement from Ho, Sogakope, and the Formed Police Unit (FPU) from Accra, the crowd has been dispersed and calm has returned to the town.

The Volta Regional Police Command, COP Edward Oduro Kwarteng expressed his sincerest commiserations to the bereaved families and the injured.

He assured that a thorough investigation will be conducted to deal with those found culpable and also prevent future occurrences.

The Akatsi MCE, Kofitse Martin Nyahe appealed to the youth to calm down as he will ensure justice is served.

Selorm Ameza a youth in the area, said on Facebook that the youth are furious because the brutality in the area is becoming unbearable.

He recalled how another young man, Etornam died while in the custody of the Akatsi Police.

According to him, the feedback and anger from the youth are at a tipping point, hence swift action must be taken to calm nerves.

From Fred Duodu, Ho (k.duodu@yahoo.com)

The post 2 Die In Akatsi Youth, Police Clash appeared first on DailyGuide Network.