4 superfoods that you should add to your diet

These superfoods offer some very important nutrients that can power-pack your meals and snacks, and further enhance a healthy eating pattern.

4 superfoods that you should add to your diet

These superfoods offer some very important nutrients that can power-pack your meals and snacks, and further enhance a healthy eating pattern.

There are some foods that possess a certain amount of nutrients required by a certain part of our body and then there are superfoods, which are packed with a multitude of vitamins beneficial for our entire body.

These gems impact our overall health and can be used in a variety of ways. We have combined a list of 4 superfoods that you should definitely add to your diet. Eat them now, thank us years later

  • Coconut

Coconut oil is the god of superfoods. When it comes to this multi-purpose food, nothing comes close. It can be used for cooking, beauty, eating and any other thing imaginable. Coconut oil is a great moisturizer present in body lotions, face creams or is even directed applied to the skin. Rich in vitamins, minerals and fibre it’s an amazing addition to your diet as well.

  • Pawpaw/Papaya

Pawpaw or Papaya is another superfood to add to your basket. With high papain content, it's widely used in skin whitening masks, creams and lotions. Papaya is rich in vitamin A, C and E which mean that papayas are helpful in preventing health problems such as diabetic heart disease. Papaya juice is great for women with an irregular cycle as it can help normalize the cycle. Lastly, it’s a great source to build your immunity as well.

  • Aloe vera

Aloe Vera is the king of multi-purpose food. The gel extracted from the interior part of the plant is an elixir of goodness. It is used in a variety of products to treat skin problems, acne, scarring and sunburn. Aloe Vera gel can even be used as a standalone product to improve the skin’s texture and slow down ageing. Drinking Aloe Vera juice helps in curing constipation and heartburn, it also provides digestive benefits along with clear skin.

  • Olive oil

Nothing can replace a healthy dose of olive oil. Use extra-virgin olive oil to help manage blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of cholesterol, heart, breast or digestive problems. It not only adds wholesome flavour to your food, it can be used as a part of your beauty routine as well. Naturally, packed with anti-ageing antioxidants along with hydrating qualities. It makes for an essential in any DIY kit, from oiling your hair or nails to using it in a lip scrub, olive oil never disappoints.