5 Ghanaian journalists whose freedom have been violated and infringed on

With a reputation as one of Africa's most democratic countries, Ghana enjoys a vibrant and pluralist media environment.

5 Ghanaian journalists whose freedom have been violated and infringed on

With a reputation as one of Africa's most democratic countries, Ghana enjoys a vibrant and pluralist media environment.

The 1992 Constitution authorising new media outlets to launch without a license, at least 100 media outlets operate in Ghana, including radio stations, television networks, and internet sites.

The safety of journalists in the country has deteriorated sharply in recent years.

In 2020, reporters covering the effectiveness of anti-COVID-19 measures were attacked by security forces.

And political leaders are again making death threats against investigative journalists.

Nearly all cases of law enforcement officers attacking journalists are not pursued.

Meanwhile, Ghana dropped from its 30th position, last year, on the latest World Press Freedom Index.

Now ranked 60 among 180 countries, globally assessed based on the level of freedom available to journalists, the country's new position was largely attributable to insecurity and continuous threat to the lives of media practitioners in their line of duty.

The latest ranking is the lowest the country has ever seen in the past 17 years since it placed 66th in 2005.

According to the report, journalists have undergone growing pressures in recent times, despite being a regional leaders, in democratic stability.

It stated that the "government has shown itself intolerant of criticism. In addition, one-third of media outlets are owned by politicians or by people tied to the top political parties. The content they produce is largely partisan.

Pulse.com.gh lists 5 Ghanaian journalists whose freedom have been violated and infringed on.

  • Accra FM's presenter Kwabena Bobie Ansah arrested 

A radio presenter with Accra FM, Kwabena Bobie Ansah has been arrested over an alleged publication of false news and offensive conduct.

According to the Police, Kwabena Bobbie Ansah's arrest "became necessary after he turned down several invitations from the Police to him and others involved in the case to assist with investigations."

They further stated that the Accra Regional Police Command will issue a full statement on the matter in due course.

Kwabena Bobie Ansah
Kwabena Bobie Ansah

Oheneba Boamah Bennie arrested

He is a journalist with privately-owned Power FM, was sentenced in Accra to two weeks in prison and a fined GH¢3,000 for "contempt of court" in connection with a video posted on Facebook in which he allegedly insulted President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo by claiming that after his re-election in 2020, the president met with eight judges to influence their decision in a legal challenge to the election result by his main rival, John Mahama of the NDC.

Oheneba Boamah Bennie
Oheneba Boamah Bennie

Bennie was taken to a prison outside Accra to serve his sentence.

  • Captain Smart arrested and detained

Blessed Godsbrain Smart, a well-known journalist working for Onua TV was arrested in an alleged case of extortion, the details of which have not been disclosed by the police.

This was the second time that Smart, who is renowned for being very critical of the government, has been arrested in less than three months.

Because of his views, he was fired from Angel FM in April 2021 at the government’s request.

Captain Smart
Captain Smart
  • Eric Nana Gyetuah with Connect FM

An increase in physical violence against journalists is compounding the arrests.

Eric Nana Gyetuah, a reporter with Connect FM, a radio station based in Takoradi in the Western region, was trying to film a group of detainees when the police subjected him to an exceptionally violent assault before handcuffing him and taking him to the police station.

He was injured in the eyes, mouth and a perforated eardrum.

  • Caleb Kudah and Zoe Abu-Baidoo arrested for allegedly filming

Broadcast journalists with Citi FM/Citi TV, Caleb Kudah and Zoe Abu-Baidoo were arrested by police officers on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, for allegedly filming at the premises of the National Security ministry.

The journalists were released after more than an hour of interrogation.

According to the management of the station, about seven heavily armed police officers stormed the premises of Citi FM/Citi TV in an attempt to arrest, Zoe Abu-Baidoo, another broadcast journalist, whom they claimed had received files from Caleb Kudah.

The management of Citi FM/Citi TV intervened and followed the officers together with Zoe to the Ministry of National Security for interrogation after which she was discharged.

Caleb Kudah
Caleb Kudah