9 men shot dead by unknown assailants in Yendi

Nine men have been reportedly killed during an attack by unknown men at Zacholi in the Yendi Municipality in the Northern Region.

9 men shot dead by unknown assailants in Yendi

Nine men have been reportedly killed during an attack by unknown men at Zacholi in the Yendi Municipality in the Northern Region.

According to the reports, the attacks also left scores of residents in the area injured.

Accra based Citi FM said the attack is a suspected retaliatory one after some armed robbers allegedly had attacked and killed a Konkomba man on Tuesday, April 11, 2022.

The attacks follow the killing of a Teacher of Dagbon State Senior High School Jacob Koila in a suspected armed robbery attack at Zagban on the Yendi-Zabzugu road.

Angered by the killing of the teacher, some locals mobilized themselves and went on a rampage killing at least eight persons.


“I was here when they came, as soon as they entered, they started shooting and one man just shot my husband, and he is dead. I was standing there, and they started burning our homes,” one woman said after the attack.

“I have one child, and he has been killed. Now I have no child, no one to look after me again,” another added.

Another resident of the community, Ahmed Osman, told Citi News, “I was here by when I heard people coming closer. They came and met a child lying down, they pulled him up and asked him the whereabouts of the motor rider. I got up, and before I could realize it, they shot him and the child fell. I turned and saw two other people coming, and they started burning the houses. I took a cutlass, my mother and another young lady came to stop them, and they wanted to get to me. They were three people, we don’t know of anything they’re accusing us of. All the men have been killed” he said.