Airport security officer interdicted for conducting search on National Security Minister

The management of the Ghana Airport Company has interdicted a security officer for conducting a pre-boarding security search on National Security Minister Albert Kan-Dapaah.

Airport security officer interdicted for conducting search on National Security Minister

The management of the Ghana Airport Company has interdicted a security officer for conducting a pre-boarding security search on National Security Minister Albert Kan-Dapaah.

According to a letter dated September 8, 2022, and addressed to the said security officer, identified as Awudu Basit, his conduct embarrassed the minister and brought the airport company’s name into disrepute.

“According to the report, you were assigned to perform airside patrol duties at the Kumasi Airport on 8th September 2022 and you saw the Minister of National Security emerging from the VVIP Lounge to board Africa World Airline flight at about 1430 hours.

“It is reported that you approached the Hon. Minister and demanded to conduct pre-boarding search on him in the open frontage of the VVIP Lounge which ended up embarrassing the Hon. Minister

"In view of the negative impression it cast on the company's image and integrity, Management has decided to thoroughly investigate the circumstances leading to this incident,” the letter reads.

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Even before the said investigation is conducted, the airport company has already concluded in the interdiction letter that the security man exhibited “indiscretion in the discharge of your duties as an Aviation Security Officer”.

According to the letter, while on interdiction, the officer will be receiving only two-thirds (2/3) of his salary pending the outcome of the investigation.

“In line with Article 17(e) of the Collective Agreement, we notify you of your INTERDICTION from Friday, September 9, 2022, pending the completion of investigations into the matter. We advise that you shall be paid two-thirds (2/3) of your salary during the period of interdiction,” the letter added.

The interdiction of Basit, who was a security officer with the Ghana Airports Company in Kumasi, has sparked mixed reactions.

Interdiction letter
Interdiction letter