Anti-LGBTQ+ Bill Passage To Be Public…No Delay – Speaker Declares

Alban Bagbin The Speaker of Ghana’s Parliament, Alban Kingsford S. Bagbin has served notice to parliamentarians that he will not tolerate any attempt to delay the passage of the Anti-LGBTQ+ Read More... The post Anti-LGBTQ+ Bill Passage To Be Public…No Delay – Speaker Declares appeared first on DailyGuide Network.

Anti-LGBTQ+ Bill Passage To Be Public…No Delay – Speaker Declares

Alban Bagbin

The Speaker of Ghana’s Parliament, Alban Kingsford S. Bagbin has served notice to parliamentarians that he will not tolerate any attempt to delay the passage of the Anti-LGBTQ+ Bill which is before the house.

According to him, the Committee sitting on the Bill will be made public likewise voting base on common sense.

He assured that Ghanaian values will inform the passage of the anti-gay bill and constitutionally guaranteed rights will be respected.

“We will not tolerate any attempt to delay the passage of the anti-gay bill, committee sitting on the anti-gay bill will be public, voting will be public and common sense and Ghanaian values will inform the passage, constitutionally guaranteed rights will be respected, Speaker of Parliament declared when Parliament reconvened Tuesday October 26, 2021.
In early August, a bill was introduced in parliament to restrict the rights of LGBT+ people.

It includes criminalizing the defense of LGBT+ rights, a duty to report “suspects”, the promotion of conversion therapy and the imposition of prison sentences for homosexuality.

If the bill is passed by parliament, President Nana Akufo-Addo could either sign it into law or veto it.

The international community and rights activists have widely condemned the bill, which was submitted to parliament by seven opposition MPs and one member of the presidential party.

But analysts and diplomats say it will be difficult for the president to oppose the bill, given its popularity in Ghana.

About 90% of Ghanaians say they support a law criminalizing same-sex relationships, according to a 2014 poll by research group Afrobarometer.

By Vincent Kubi

The post Anti-LGBTQ+ Bill Passage To Be Public…No Delay – Speaker Declares appeared first on DailyGuide Network.