Appiatse Temporary Structures Ready: Relocation Of Victims Begins

Government through the Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources, has delivered on it’s promise to secure a safe haven for the displaced victims of Appiatse and save them from the Read More... The post Appiatse Temporary Structures Ready: Relocation Of Victims Begins appeared first on DailyGuide Network.

Appiatse Temporary Structures Ready: Relocation Of Victims Begins

Government through the Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources, has delivered on it’s promise to secure a safe haven for the displaced victims of Appiatse and save them from the torrents of the rain.

Through a lot of collaborative efforts and supervision of work on site, Hon. Benito Owusu-Bio, Deputy Minister for Lands and Natural Resources said 5 more structures have been added to the initial 32, bringing the numbers to a total of 37 structures, which he said have all been completely refurbished with roofings, doors and windows, with carpets laid in each room to shelter all the displaced people of Appiatse temporarily.

Addressing the Media on his unannounced visit to Appiatse on 2nd May, 2022, Hon. Benito said 800 victims of 125 households are being moved into the completed rooms while reaffirming that the official relocation day of the people from the tents to the completed buildings still remains 4th May, 2022.

The Deputy Minister expressed his joy over the Citizen’s enthusiasm about moving into the newly renovated buildings and hoped that on the actual day of final relocation, all 800 people would have moved from the tents to the temporary structures.

“our visit here today was just to ensure that all the necessary arrangements are put in place for a smooth transition on 4th May, 2022 on which we will come with the Hon. Samuel A. Jinapor to officially hand over the buildings to the people. I’m happy with what I’ve seen today, most of them have moved in and gradually we hope that all will move in before we return on Wednesday”

He assured that having completed the temporary structures, plans are far advanced to commence work on the main Appiatse site, adding that the tendering have been opened and the committee is almost done and soon the work will begin.

Hon. Owusu-Bio who is also the Chairman of the Appiatse Reconstruction Committee in his submission appreciated the support of his team and the Municipal Chief Executive, Dr. Isaac Dasmani and also thanked Ghanaians for their generousity towards the Support fund and the people of Appiatse.

On the accident which occurred on Monday 2nd May 2022, and which claimed the lives of a lady and his brother on the Appiatse Bogoso road while riding a bicycle, Hon.Benito Owusu Bio sent out some words of condolences to the bereaved family, cautioning them to be more careful.

“Our heartfelt condolences goes out to the bereaved family, we are very sorry for your loss but there is one thing you must realise, you live very close to the high way, wether you like it or not so please be extra careful and do ensure the saftey of your children, making sure they don’t play by the roadside and outside the camp.”

The Temporary structures were handed out to the Ministry by the Future Global Resources Company(FGR), to aid government house the people of Appiatse temporarily as it gathers efforts and funds to reconstruct the Appiatse township which was razed by an explosion some months ago.

The post Appiatse Temporary Structures Ready: Relocation Of Victims Begins appeared first on DailyGuide Network.