Armed Robbers Raid Amenfi Rural Bank …Bank Manager Stabbed

Report reaching DGN Online indicates that suspected armed robbers have raided Upper Amenfi Rural Bank Limited at Wasa Jukwa Hemang in the Amenfi East Municipality of the Western region. The Read More... The post Armed Robbers Raid Amenfi Rural Bank …Bank Manager Stabbed appeared first on DailyGuide Network.

Armed Robbers Raid Amenfi Rural Bank  …Bank Manager Stabbed

Report reaching DGN Online indicates that suspected armed robbers have raided Upper Amenfi Rural Bank Limited at Wasa Jukwa Hemang in the Amenfi East Municipality of the Western region.

The criminals after raiding the bank also stabbed the Manager of the bank on Tuesday June 28, 2022.

An eye-witness told Silver Fm in the Ashanti Region that the armed men stormed the Bank in the early hours of Tuesday.

The eyewitness mentioned that the robbers made away with unspecified amount of money.

He revealed that, the robbers scattered and destroyed everything in the bank including their computers.

After the operation, they grabbed the Manager of the bank, stabbing him multiple times on the head and other parts.

The manager is currently receiving medical treatment at Wasa Akropong Government Hospital.

By Vincent Kubi

The post Armed Robbers Raid Amenfi Rural Bank …Bank Manager Stabbed appeared first on DailyGuide Network.