Ashongman Purewater residents bare teeth at ECG over 4-day-old outage

Residents of Old Ashongman Purewater fight ECG over power outage Residents have been without power since Monday, November 15, 2021 Efforts to reach ECG have proven futil Residents of Old Ashongman Purewater, a suburb of Accra, are up in arms against the Electricity Company of Ghana, ECG, over a power outage.

Ashongman Purewater residents bare teeth at ECG over 4-day-old outage
Residents of Old Ashongman Purewater fight ECG over power outage Residents have been without power since Monday, November 15, 2021 Efforts to reach ECG have proven futil Residents of Old Ashongman Purewater, a suburb of Accra, are up in arms against the Electricity Company of Ghana, ECG, over a power outage.