Bad s*x: Here are ways this can affect your relationship adversely and what to do

Bad s*x doesn’t necessarily mean unsatisfactory performances from either party, it also means prolonged or no sex at all.

Bad s*x: Here are ways this can affect your relationship adversely and what to do

Bad s*x doesn’t necessarily mean unsatisfactory performances from either party, it also means prolonged or no sex at all.

Just as good sex has its own positive effects on a relationship, bad sex also has its own repercussions.

Bad sex doesn’t necessarily mean unsatisfactory performances from either party, it also means prolonged or no sex at all.

Don’t let the delay or unwillingness to get physical with your partner get in your way of forming strong physical intimacy; in fact, it can be a big bone of contention in matters of compatibility.

The dry spell or unsatisfactory spell can torpedo good sex times. Read on to know how bad sex can affect your relationship adversely:

  • Trauma

Just like unfulfilled sex life can cause glitches, having painful sex can also cause glitches, in fact much greater, it can cause pain and trauma. Do not venture or take your partner by surprise in bed. That’s not an ideal situation to play the ‘surprise’ card. Things that are okay with you can be unacceptable to your partner. Be open with your expectations and before trying anything new, ask your partner if he/she is okay. Consent is everything.

  • Sexual frustration 

We don’t mean the invisible flying sparks that light when a couple meets for the first time or is planning to make love for the first time. Unsatisfactory performances in bed can frustrate or tense you and your relationship equally. You will find ways to relieve the tension or get icky for the smallest of things which add up to bigger issues.

  • Red flag

If it’s been since you spent some ‘quality time’ with your partner due to work or other commitments, then it’s not that big a concern. That’s just a temporary glitch or delay. However, if you have skipped out on picking up hints from your partner or advances because you don’t feel the butterflies like you used to before, then that may be a cause for concern or as it’s said, the dreaded red flag. Action on it (pun not intended), before it’s too late to save your relationship – talk.

  • Position matters

Sex is not just about the missionary or the usual spooning, it’s about much more and there’s always room for exploration. Your sexual experimentation may not necessarily resemble or be inspired by the '50 Shades of Grey', but it can be tweaked to suit and be acceptable for both of you. Monotony can kill the mood. Get creative and bring new things to the table (of course, after discussing with each other).