Bawumia delivered propaganda on the economy and did not address hardships — Economist

A United States of America-based Ghanaian economist, Dr. Sa-ad Iddrisu, has taken swipe at Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia for not telling Ghanaians the true state of the economy.

Bawumia delivered propaganda on the economy and did not address hardships — Economist

A United States of America-based Ghanaian economist, Dr. Sa-ad Iddrisu, has taken swipe at Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia for not telling Ghanaians the true state of the economy.

He described Bawumia's lecture on the challenges of the economy at Kasoa in the Central Region as propaganda.

"Listening to Dr. Bawumia makes one believe that he was brought out from his long silence, just to entertain NPP faithful and not to actually address the economic problems facing the country now," he said.

He attributed the economic challenges of the country to the government's reckless borrowing with non-existent projects.

According to Dr. Iddrisu, "To justify this recklessness and mismanagement of the funds borrowed, Dr. Bawumia decides to list over 100 projects as an indication of what the funds were used for. Questions every Ghanaian should ask include: How many of these listed projects are actually projects completed by this government? How many of the listed projects are still nearing completion? As far as you know, not even a brick has been laid on the sites of many of these projects listed by Dr. Bawumia. In fact, the Yendi Water Project is an example of this since not a single brick has been laid on the project site to date."

Dr Sa-ad Iddrisu
Dr Sa-ad Iddrisu

"Again, on the projects, if Dr. Bawumia was really delivering an economic lecture, he should have told Ghanaians how many jobs have been created from these projects.

"I was expecting Dr. Bawumia to tell us in his lecture, how many direct and indirect jobs have been created from these projects he listed and also how many of those jobs were temporary or continuous jobs. In an economy where unemployment is becoming a national security threat, the emphasis should be on job creation when borrowing funds for projects," he added.

Dr. Bawumia addressing the nation on the economic challenges stated that the government borrowed to build the University of Environment Science and Sustainable Development, the Pokuase Interchange, the Tema-Mpakadan Railway, and the Kumasi Airport Phase 2 as well as the Tamale Airport which have incurred debt for the country.

He also attributed the hardships to the current conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

Though he admitted Ghanaians are currently going through some economic challenges, he revealed what accounted for the high public debt as well as the financial sector clean-up which led to the collapse of some insolvent financial institutions costing the taxpayer GH¢21 billion.

He indicated that the government spent GH¢50.1billion during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic adding that the government decided to save the lives of the people.