Blows Over NPP Polling Station Forms

DGN Online has gathered that there were several reports of chaotic scenes in various constituencies of the country concerning the selling of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) polling station executive Read More... The post Blows Over NPP Polling Station Forms appeared first on DailyGuide Network.

Blows Over NPP Polling Station Forms

DGN Online has gathered that there were several reports of chaotic scenes in various constituencies of the country concerning the selling of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) polling station executive forms.

Already there is a mad rush for the procurement of the forms, especially in the Eastern, Ashanti, Western, Bono regions among others.

According to reports gathered, tension is building up over the clandestine hiding of tze polling station forms.

According to the reports, some of the MMDCEs are scheming to oust their Constituency Executives with the ultimate objective of getting their MPs out of the way.

While some MPs are also keeping forms away from prospective polling station executives with the sole aim of manipulating the system to suit their agenda.

In Koforidua – Effiduase, for instance, there was confusion Saturday morning at the New Juaben North constituency office after the executives failed to open nomination for the polling station elections.

Scores of the party members who besieged there were stranded at the party office which was locked denying them the opportunity to pick forms to contest at the polling station level.

Some angry NPP members alleged that has been the modus operandi of the constituency executives and the Member of Parliament, Nana Adjei Boateng over the years as part of the grand scheme for their political aggrandizement.

The stranded members, therefore, called on the party’s general secretary John Boadu to swiftly intervene to avert clashes since they will resist all attempts to deny them the right to contest.

They also threatened to put an injunction on the polling station election in the constituency if their grievances were not addressed immediately.

In New Juaben South, there was a shortage of polling station forms, as the party members who were interested to contest became stranded creating confusion.

Further information reaching DGN Online indicated that there are Polling station Executives and Electoral Area Coordinators who are also bent on preventing others from contesting them as someone would put it, it is all about interests.

The mafia work as gathered is a phenomenon that is prevalent in their political dispensation, as interested parties are looking for avenues to outwit the system and outbox opponents.

BY Daniel Bampoe

The post Blows Over NPP Polling Station Forms appeared first on DailyGuide Network.