Cholera Outbreak Looms At Ghanasco

The filth at the Ghanasco campus An outbreak of cholera looms at the Ghana Senior High School and the Kukuo community, a suburb of Tamale in the Northern Region. This Read More... The post Cholera Outbreak Looms At Ghanasco appeared first on DailyGuide Network.

Cholera Outbreak Looms At Ghanasco

The filth at the Ghanasco campus

An outbreak of cholera looms at the Ghana Senior High School and the Kukuo community, a suburb of Tamale in the Northern Region.

This is because filth has engulfed most parts of the school with no sign of it being cleared by authorities.

The back of the Home Economics first-year classroom block has been engulfed with filth scattered with an unpleasant stench.

The situation in the school calls for immediate action to prevent the spread of many diseases that could affect students such as Cholera should the rains intensify.

Residents of Kukuo who live behind the school have turned that particular part of the school into a refuse dump where they dispose of their waste materials.

There is no single waste bin at the dumping site which is human-created resulting in the littering of the surroundings leading to the Kukuo community.

Some students who spoke to DGN Online on condition of anonymity lamented about the situation most especially the stench and how it can affect their health.

According to them, sometimes their teachers are forced to halt teaching and learning due to the severity of the stench which smells in their classrooms.

“ Sometimes our teachers would have to stop teaching then we move out of the class because the stench is always terrible and unbearable and due to that depending on how long we stay outside we lose contact hours.”

They also revealed that sanitary condition at their various dormitories is a matter of concern, especially the boys’ dormitories which is in a deplorable state.

According to them, the boys’ dormitories use a manhole toilet which is not hygiene and could affect their health.

The students said their seniors witnessed it and they have also come to face the same challenges and even though school authorities are aware of the situation nothing has been done to date.

When DGN Online contact the school management about the situation they declined to comment on it.

However, a management member who agreed to speak to DGN Online on condition of anonymity said the situation is a worry to the school adding that they have made efforts through the assemblyman of the area and the Tamale metropolitan assembly to evacuate the waste but to no avail.

The management member attributed the filth on campus to the encroachment by residents of Kukuo adding that the construction of a fence wall will prevent the dumping of waste into the school.

The source noted that the school would have wished to evacuate the waste themselves but the school has limited resources to embark on such a project and called on the old students, individuals, and Tamale Metro Assembly to come to their aid.

Sustainable Development Goal

The Sustainable Development Goal 6 which Ghana has signed calls for clean water and sanitation for all. It is expected that by 2030, achieve access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all and end open defecation, paying special attention to the needs of women and girls and those in vulnerable situations.

Tamale Metropolitan Assembly

Mr. Martin Ahorlu, Head of Waste Management at the Tamale Metropolitan Assembly when contacted by DGN Online said that last year the assembly evacuated waste from the site during the school’s anniversary and assured that the assembly has plans to evacuate the rubbish again.

According to him, the assembly will this time around acquire a community waste bin and implement the dump and pay policy to ensure that the school and the community pay for the assembly to generate revenue to manage the filth in the area for the good health of the community members and students as well.

FROM Eric Kombat, Tamale

The post Cholera Outbreak Looms At Ghanasco appeared first on DailyGuide Network.