Court Grants NDC ‘Incest’ Guru Bail

Emmanuel Kwesi Dawood A High Court in Cape Coast in the Central Region on Thursday granted bail to the National Democratic Congress (NDC) Central Regional Communications Director, Emmanuel Kwesi Dawood, Read More... The post Court Grants NDC ‘Incest’ Guru Bail appeared first on DailyGuide Network.

Court Grants NDC ‘Incest’ Guru Bail

Emmanuel Kwesi Dawood
A High Court in Cape Coast in the Central Region on Thursday granted bail to the National Democratic Congress (NDC) Central Regional Communications Director, Emmanuel Kwesi Dawood, who was arraigned in a Circuit Court over allegation that he had sexual intercourse with his biological daughter and impregnated her.

The court presided over by Justice Kwasi Boakye granted Dawood GH¢50,000 bail with three sureties who shall be public/civil servants living and working within the Cape Coast Metropolis.

Dawood was also ordered by the court to deposit his passport with the registrar of the court.

The court after hearing arguments from Dawood’s lawyers held that the respect for human right is an attribute or element of good governance, and all efforts must be made to ensure it was always observed, adding that the applicant had properly invoked the jurisdiction of the court and also demonstrated that the court can exercise its discretion in the grant of a bail.

Circuit Court

On October 14, the Circuit Court 2 in Cape Coast presided over by Her Honour Dorinda Arthur-Smith, remanded Dawood, 40 after he was brought there by the police over the issue of incest.

There are two different cases that the Central Regional DOVVSU of the Ghana Police Service are currently pursuing against Dawood.

The police have filed a case of abetment of crime relating to a supposed illegal abortion he allegedly caused to be performed on the daughter, who claims the accused impregnated her, at the Circuit Court 1 and another case of incest and defilement which is before the Circuit Court 2.

Dawood was detained overnight on Tuesday, October 12 and sent to Circuit Court 1 on Wednesday, October 13, where he was granted GH¢30,000 bail with two sureties, one to be justified, for the charge of abetment, and was asked to return to the court on October 27.

Second Case

At the Circuit Court 2 where he was remanded to reappear on October 27, Dawood had been charged with three counts of defilement, incest and assault.

On Count One, the charge read: Defilement of a female child contrary to Section 101(2) of the Criminal Offences Act, 1960, and said Dawood had sexual intercourse with his daughter, Rita Arhin, in 2019.

For Count Two, Dawood was charged with incest, contrary to Section 105 (1) of the Criminal and Other Offences Act, 1960 (Act 29), and the offence, the prosecution said, was committed against Rita Arhin in 2019 at Agona Swedru in the Central Region.

Count Three is for assault contrary to Section 84 of the Criminal Offences Act, 1960 (Act 29), and the offence was that Dawood on August 27, 2021, at Agona Swedru, unlawfully hit and stepped on the abdomen of Rita Arhin, his daughter.
The charge sheet filed, was signed by ASP Daniel Mensah Gadzo.

Official Facts

According to the Central Regional DOVVSU, “the complainant in the case is Mavis Ayite, who is unemployed and the mother of the survivor or victim Rita Arhin, aged 18 years, who stays with her grandmother, Margaret Arthur at Otabilkrom, a suburb of Agona Swedru.

“Accused Kwesi Dawood, aged 40, is the biological father to the girl and stays in the same vicinity with the survivor and grandmother at Otabilkrom.”

Luring Daughter

“During the year 2019, on a day, accused lured the survivor who was then 15 years old into his matrimonial home and informed her that he used to love her mother so much but their love could not last long hence, he wanted to replace the love for the mother to her by dating her.

“Survivor told accused that she cannot do that but accused went ahead and forcibly had sexual intercourse with the survivor in his matrimonial room at Agona Swedru.

“After the act, the accused person promised to send the daughter abroad only if she did not disclose the ordeal to anyone, but if she revealed it her life will be very miserable.”

Sexual Partners

“The accused then released the girl and she went home but did not inform anyone. Accused and the survivor became sexual partners and their last sexual act was in the month of June, 2021 at Agona Swedru.”

Pregnant Daughter

“In 2020 survivor got pregnant but accused took her to one Atta Mensah who was not a medical practitioner at Agona Swedru and aborted the pregnancy for her. Survivor later informed her school counselor about all that she had suffered in the hands of the accused.”

Brutal Assault

“On August 27, 2021 after accused heard that the survivor has informed the school counselor, he attacked and subjected her to severe beatings.

Survivor managed to run away to her grandmother. Complainant was informed later and she lodged complaint at Agona Swedru DOVVSU.

“Police medical report form was issued to the complainant to send the survivor to any government hospital for examination and treatment and report, which she did. Later the case was transferred to the Regional DOVVSU in Cape Coast for further investigations. Accused was arrested, cautioned and after investigations charged with the offence before the honourable court.”

Bold Claim

Initially, Kwesi Dawood said the woman (Mavis Ayite), who is ‘pushing’ the girl (victim) to make the allegation, was a TESCON member at the University of Education, Winneba (UEW), and that it was an NPP agenda to discredit him.

Later on Adom FM on Monday, the same Kwesi Dawood said that it was his own NDC party elements who were behind the agenda he had accused the NPP of instigating, and said the NDC elements were doing that because the party’s internal election was drawing closer.

Initial Suspension

In the ensuing heat, the NDC Regional Secretary, Kojo Quansah, confirmed on Monday that Kwesi Dawood has been suspended by the opposition party.

Counter Decision

The NDC through its General Secretary, Johnson Asiedu Nketia, said the party had quashed the decision to suspend Dawood.

By Emmanuel Opoku


The post Court Grants NDC ‘Incest’ Guru Bail appeared first on DailyGuide Network.