Court Orders Graphic Communications To Retract False Publication, Apologise To FDA Boss

Delese Mimi Darko State-owned media outlet, Graphic Communications Group has been slapped with a judgement by a High Court over a false publication against the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Read More... The post Court Orders Graphic Communications To Retract False Publication, Apologise To FDA Boss appeared first on DailyGuide Network.

Court Orders Graphic Communications To Retract False Publication, Apologise To FDA Boss

Delese Mimi Darko

State-owned media outlet, Graphic Communications Group has been slapped with a judgement by a High Court over a false publication against the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Food and Drugs Authority (FDA), Delese Mimi Darko.

Graphic Communications has been ordered by the court to apologize and retract the false story against the FDA boss.

This follows a finding by the court about a story published by the media house, alleging that Delese Mimi Darko was being investigated for being involved in a bribery transaction brought to the fore in an investigative piece by a journalist which implicated FDA’s former head of legal.

The court in it ruling, stated that the injury suffered to the Plaintiff’s reputation cannot be denied to have had a far-reaching consequence on her person hence the decision.

The defendant is expected to within 14 days of the date of judgment, issue an unqualified apology and retraction of the defamatory publication on their online platform and give it the same prominence the defamatory statement received.

It will be recalled that an investigative report exposed the then head of Legal Affairs at the FDA for demanding a $200,000 bribe from the manufacturers of COA FS to prevent his products from getting suspended from the market.

In publishing the story, the Graphic Communications Group is said to have falsely put out that the Board of the Authority had begun investigating the Chief Executive for being involved in the scandal.

The post Court Orders Graphic Communications To Retract False Publication, Apologise To FDA Boss appeared first on DailyGuide Network.