Cyclist who promised to ride bike from London to Lagos finally arrives in Africa

A cyclist who has resolved to journey from London to Nigeria on his bike has made giant strides after finally entering Africa.

Cyclist who promised to ride bike from London to Lagos finally arrives in Africa

A cyclist who has resolved to journey from London to Nigeria on his bike has made giant strides after finally entering Africa.

Kunle Adeyanju, a London-based Nigerian, went final earlier in April after he revealed that he was starting a journey to Lagos on his motorbike.

He began the journey on April 9, 2022, and has been updating his followers on Twitter on how it has been going so far.

On Monday, April 25, 2022, Adeyanju gave the latest update on his journey, revealing that he had reached Casablanca, Morocco.

A day earlier, he shared photos of himself around Gibraltar as he continued his charity-inspired journey to Lagos.

Adeyanju still has some distance to cover before reaching his destination in Nigeria’s most populous city but he seems to have impressed several netizens.

A follower wrote: “That's great. Welcome to #Morocco. Welcome to #Africa. Good luck for the rest of your amazing trip. Stay Safe!”

Another said: “My dad attempted to do Tunis to Accra in 2009/2010 through the Sahara in a fully deck WV rally car, and didn't end up doing it. The most difficult part is yet to come. You will need an experienced Tuareg to accompany you from Algeria to Nigeria. Good luck!”

A third person stated: “London to Lagos?? This is a legend right here! He’s already in Africa! Riding his bike from London to Lagos!”