Despite Media Clears Air On Vim Lady, Tikese Brouhaha

Afia Pokua aka Vim Lady Management of Despite Media has thrown its weight behind Afia Pokua aka Vim Lady over confusion with other employees about her decision to host a Read More... The post Despite Media Clears Air On Vim Lady, Tikese Brouhaha appeared first on DailyGuide Network.

Despite Media Clears Air On Vim Lady, Tikese Brouhaha

Afia Pokua aka Vim Lady

Management of Despite Media has thrown its weight behind Afia Pokua aka Vim Lady over confusion with other employees about her decision to host a virtual programme called Gyaso Gyaso on Okay Fm from outside Ghana.

Earlier, a veteran employee of the media conglomerate, Kwame Nkrumah Tikese, led a public outburst against Vim Lady’s decision.

In a live broadcast with co-hosts of his Ade Akye Abia morning show on Okay FM.

Kwame Nkrumah said he does not support Vim lady hosting a virtual show from outside of Ghana otherwise described as e-programme.

According to him, Vim Lady could not have done that at Multimedia, where she previously worked.

“The programme has dilated with the people in this country but the people you are hosting from outside the country are not in touch with the current situations of the country. Some have stayed outside for more than 30 years; even the sound quality is poor,” he stated.

“I learnt she is being paid huge sums of money at the end of the month. We are not saying this secretly, we are doing this live on-air so, if anybody will record, let the person do so…because, at multimedia, you would not have been allowed to do that, so, why will you do it to us? You are using the kindness of Osei Kwame Despite and Fadda Dickson to be their weakness…,” he added.

But in a Facebook post, Vim Lady, who is the Programmes Manager of Okay FM wrote; “it is better this way than to be in secret; God dey.”

However, a statement issued by the management of Despite Media said Vim Lady has the support of management.

It said Tikese’s outburst was his comment and didn’t represent that of the media house.

“Management of Despite Media has taken notice of the recent comments by Kwame Nkrumah Tikese making waves within the media space about Afia Pokua (Vim lady).

“Management wishes to inform the general public that, it is aware of Afia Pokua’s absence from the country as well as her virtual Gyaso Gyaso program, having approved and sanctioned same. As an organization, it is within our rights to grant a staff leave, with or without salary depending on the circumstance and this is no exception,” the statement read.

“Kwame Nkrumah Tikese’s personal opinion on the matter or comment probably made without malice, does not in any way represent the position of management or the agreement reached with Afia Pokua on her absence and virtual program,” the statement said in part.

“We wish to assure our loyal listeners that their best interest will always be considered in every decision taken now and in the future,” it added.

The post Despite Media Clears Air On Vim Lady, Tikese Brouhaha appeared first on DailyGuide Network.