Dire Global Economic Times

These are not halcyon times. The global economic situation is dire and governments worldwide are confronted with the challenges of not only the fallouts from a capricious pandemic, but the Read More... The post Dire Global Economic Times appeared first on DailyGuide Network.

Dire Global Economic Times

These are not halcyon times. The global economic situation is dire and governments worldwide are confronted with the challenges of not only the fallouts from a capricious pandemic, but the uncertainties occasioned by the threat of war between Western Europe and communist Russia,  the latter being a major energy source.

In a world linked together by economics, we too, in our corner, are not exempted from the fallouts in varied forms, of course. We are at the mercy of the outcome of the situations being played out on the global scene.

It is important that political leaders educate their followers to come to terms with the realities with global issues. Unfortunately, rather than do this, they are seeking electoral leverage ahead of elections by deliberately spreading untruths.

Only political hypocrites would want to use the surging energy cost and inflation in their campaigns.

The various generations have had tastes of situations which have been occasioned by certain occurrences of global proportions.

The generations which witnessed the two World Wars have stories to tell about the repercussions about the global developments.

The interruptions of maritime trade, when aircraft of the Luftwaffe and allies, chased each other in endless sorties and their fallouts, are captured in history books.

Ours, as pointed out in a preceding paragraph, has had to do with a pandemic and a threat of war involving major countries which play major roles in matters bordering on energy.

With Russia providing most of the gas needs of Europe and the threat of shutting the pipelines conveying same to the external markets such as Germany and others, as a result of the simmering war in Ukraine, the cost of fuel and its attendant consequences are staring at us.

We might have survived the economic challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic as a result of prudent policies but the current global economic turmoil calls for our appreciation and according response.

Britain and the US, two major economies, are witnessing unusual surges in the cost of living not witnessed in recent times.  These are countries from which our major imports originate. It stands to reason therefore, that our economy will not be spared the shocks thereof.

This is a call on the political leaderships of the various political parties to be sincere and let their supporters be abreast with the unfolding economic realities on the world scene.

The post Dire Global Economic Times appeared first on DailyGuide Network.