Don’t follow any account in my daughter’s name, she doesn’t have Twitter – Mahama

Former President John Dramani Mahama has urged Ghanaians to discard any account on Twitter pretending to be his daughter, Farida Mahama.

Don’t follow any account in my daughter’s name, she doesn’t have Twitter – Mahama

Former President John Dramani Mahama has urged Ghanaians to discard any account on Twitter pretending to be his daughter, Farida Mahama.

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) leader said his teenage daughter does not have a social media account.

Mr Mahama indicated that some unscrupulous persons have set up Twitter accounts in the name of his daughter and have been using to send out tweets in her name

“My daughter, Farida Mahama, does not have a Twitter account. Kindly ignore and stop following the account in the attached screenshot, set up by some unscrupulous person and being used to send out tweets in her name,” Mr Mahama tweeted on Sunday May 8.

In August 2021, John Mahama issued a similar disclaimer on social media about impersonations of his daughter.

Farida Mahama
Farida Mahama

"We want to inform the general public, especially the Facebook community and media houses that Ms. Farida Dramani Mahama does not have a Facebook account, neither has she or her parents sanctioned the creation of a Facebook Group in her name," a statement signed by special aide Joyce Bawah Mogtari said.

It added: "While steps have been taken to officially notify Facebook of the fake accounts in her name, the public is hereby advised to kindly disregard all pages and groups posting and making comments under posts as Farida Mahama."

Additionally, the statement said: "An Instagram page set up by the same scammers in the name of Farida, @farida_mahama_ is also fake".