Effutu MP Calls for Urgent Answers Over Sea Defence Project

Deputy Majority Leader, Alexander Afenyo-Markin has called for an urgent explanation into when phase two of the Blekuso sea defence project in the Volta Region will begin. The NPP Member Read More... The post Effutu MP Calls for Urgent Answers Over Sea Defence Project appeared first on DailyGuide Network.

Effutu MP Calls for Urgent Answers Over Sea Defence Project

Deputy Majority Leader, Alexander Afenyo-Markin has called for an urgent explanation into when phase two of the Blekuso sea defence project in the Volta Region will begin.

The NPP Member of Parliament (MP) for Effutu said he is for a “real practical solution and not the partisan rhetoric” in dealing with the rampaging effects of tidal waves at the coastline of Anlo, Ketu South, and Keta areas, and therefore wants the Minister for Works and Housing to tell Parliament the commencement date.

He told the media in Parliament on Monday that the Speaker had admitted an urgent question he filed on the subject matter in finding a permanent solution to the problem.

“I addressed the media last Friday and I said we needed a permanent solution, and to look at the problem together as stakeholders. Today, I have escalated the matter further by filing an urgent question addressed to the Minister for Works and Housing.”

“I believe that as a house, once this is drawn to the mainstream and the minister comes to answer questions, we will then be able to hold the minister’s feet to the fire, regarding the answers he will give and then further push the finance ministry to make available funds to finance the project,” he stated.

“I am for real practical solutions and not partisan rhetoric. Mr. Speaker has admitted the question and I believe that when we are through with the budget, next week we will be able to hear the Minister on that,” Mr. Afenyo-Markin emphasized.

He also used the opportunity to apologize for the use of a supposed picture of sand winning activities in the Volta Region he used at his press conference to buttress his point last Friday, while the accusation of insensitivity by opposition MPs against the government after the tidal waves rendered some residents of Keta and its environs homeless.

By Ernest Kofi Adu, Parliament House

The post Effutu MP Calls for Urgent Answers Over Sea Defence Project appeared first on DailyGuide Network.