Errant lion killed and eaten by community – UWA

After the lion had been shot, however, drama ensued as the villagers seemed not to be satisfied by the mere death of the beast. So they overpowered UWA staff, skinned it and shared the meat.

Errant lion killed and eaten by community – UWA

After the lion had been shot, however, drama ensued as the villagers seemed not to be satisfied by the mere death of the beast. So they overpowered UWA staff, skinned it and shared the meat.

A picture went viral on Twitter Saturday, March 9, in which a man was seen with serious injuries all over his body juxtaposed with an image of a dead lion with claims that the man has fought with the lion and killed it with his bare hands.

The viral picture of a man that had been injured by the lion
The viral picture of a man that had been injured by the lion
Viral tweet
Viral tweet
Viral tweet
Viral tweet

The pictures were later explained by the Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA).

A lion had attacked residents of Kobushera and Rwabaragi vilages in Mpeefu sub county, Kagadi district on Friday, killing a number of livestock and injuring several people. The villagers, in retaliation, went after the lion with the aim of disabling it before UWA staff and some UPDF soldiers came to their rescue and shot it dead.

After the lion had been shot dead, however, drama ensured as the villagers seemed not to be satisfied by the mere death of the beast.

“Immediately the lion was shot dead, communities that were in pursuit of the lion quickly skinned it and shared the meat. UWA staff pleas to handle the carcass fell on deaf ears and they were overpowered by the crowd. They only managed to secure the skin and the head from the carcass which were taken to police for record purposes and further investigations,” said UWA on Saturday.

UWA added, “We regret the incident in which this stray male lion lost its life and extend our sympathies to the communities injured by the lion during the hunt and those who lost their domestic animals to the lion whose origin is yet to be ascertained. UWA will support the injured with medical care.”

The lion that was killed and eaten
The lion that was killed and eaten

How it all began

In a statement released on Saturday, UWA says they received information from the District Police Commander (DPC) Kagadi regarding the stray lion. UWA staff in the area got in touch with the DPC, and went with him and a team of police officers to Rwabaragi village where the lion was last sighted. The aim was to assess the situation and possibly capture the lion.

“Upon reaching the area, they [UWA staff and police] found a crowd of communities who were already searching for the lion with all sorts of tools including machetes, spears and big sticks because it had already injured three people in the area,” UWA said.

“The lion was already stressed and enraged by the presence and noise of a huge crowd that was following the lion with intention to kill it. Communities were asked to give way and let our staff and police handle the problem animal together with four community members, but instead more and more crowds gathered due to the noise and alarm that was being raised. The search team was shortly joined by UPDF soldiers commanded by one Lt. Col Lubega James of first division Kyeterekera UPDF Battalion in Kagadi who took over command of the operation,” said UWA on Saturday.

It is reported that one UPDF soldier Cpl Amodoi Moses sighted the lion and tried to shoot it but it jumped on him, seriously injuring him in the process, before his colleague shot it.

The Authority advised the public to desist from attacking problem animals and instead report such cases by calling this toll-free line: 0800100960.