Former Minister admits there's hardship in Ghana but Mahama is not an alternative

Kwamena Duncan, the former Central Regional Minister, has admitted that there's hardship in the country due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine war but John Mahama of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) is not an alternative to solve Ghana's problems.

Former Minister admits there's hardship in Ghana but Mahama is not an alternative

Kwamena Duncan, the former Central Regional Minister, has admitted that there's hardship in the country due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine war but John Mahama of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) is not an alternative to solve Ghana's problems.

His reactions come after Mahama's speech on the topic "Ghana at a crossroads" on Monday, Monday, May 2, 2022.

Mahama reiterated his position that he will cancel the E-levy if he regains power adding that the policy is regressive.

He promised to stop Ghanaians from paying the controversial Electronic Transfer Levy (E-levy) if his party wins power in 2024.

The government commenced the implementation of the controversial E-levy on May 1, 2022, despite widespread condemnation of the tax policy.

Kwamena Duncan speaking on the E-levy said Mahama has displayed incompetence in his address to Ghanaians.

He reminded Ghanaians of Mahama's bad track record that plunged the country into an abyss of economic recession, wondering why anyone would believe his promise of a better Ghana when voted back into power.

Speaking on Accra-based Peace FM, he said "It is annoying because this man runs this country aground...He so abysmally performed that, as an incumbent, he lost electoral votes close to 1 million between himself and his close contender. The Ghanaian people spoke. Ghana, he describes, as being at a crossroad; I don't know this particular crossroad he talks about. He's able to identify the roads. Which roads is he identifying? he asked.

"He's capable of knowing which road Ghana must go? He is capable of knowing the crossroads, which one Ghana must go to? He is capable? Then he tells us that Ghana is at a crossroad; my goodness!" Kwamena Duncan said.

He, therefore, admonished Ghanaians to continue having hope in the New Patriotic Party (NPP) stressing "we admit there are some hardships due to the way things are going in the world but the alternative cannot and must not be the NDC."

Listen to Kwamena Duncan below:

Our Solution Can Never Be Mahama - Kwamena Duncan