Funny Face Returns To Social Media Against Magistrate’s Advice

Funny Face Comedian, Funny Face is back on social media days after a Kaneshie Magistrate Court advised him to take a break from the media platforms. On October 20, the Read More... The post Funny Face Returns To Social Media Against Magistrate’s Advice appeared first on DailyGuide Network.

Funny Face Returns To Social Media Against Magistrate’s Advice

Funny Face

Comedian, Funny Face is back on social media days after a Kaneshie Magistrate Court advised him to take a break from the media platforms.

On October 20, the court committed the comedian born Benson Nana Yaw Oduro Boateng into a mental facility for examination.

This followed his arrest for threatening to kill the mother of his twins and later commit suicide.

The accused had used his Instagram account to issue the threat and insulted some other individuals in the same video which has landed him in trouble again.

Funny Face has been charged with one count of threat of death and has had his plea reserved pending a report on his mental health.

ASP Sylvester Asare who led the prosecution also pleaded with the court for an order for Funny Face’s body fluid to be taken for a substance abuse examination.

The accused will return to court on November 10, 2021.

The Magistrate advised him to take time off social media and ensure that he recovers from whatever he was going through.

The Magistrate thought that he is influenced by what people say about him on social media and he is coerced to reply, which is not helping his case.

But interestingly Funny Face made a return on social media faster than his followers thought.

He went live on Instagram on Wednesday from a location perceived to be a medical facility.

He also made a post attacking Afia Schwarzenegger for comments she made about his case.

In another video post, he accused his baby mother of the reason he is at the psychiatric hospital.

The post Funny Face Returns To Social Media Against Magistrate’s Advice appeared first on DailyGuide Network.