Gay man of 20 years tells how he quit

• A former gay has emerged to speak about his experience • Second can read as "Aaron Adjetey says he was involved in the act for 20 years • He has decided to testify about how he quit to encourage others It’s a testimony he has decided to share on as many platforms as he can get for the rest of his life – the story of how according to him, he was delivered from the grips of homosexuality.

Gay man of 20 years tells how he quit
• A former gay has emerged to speak about his experience • Second can read as "Aaron Adjetey says he was involved in the act for 20 years • He has decided to testify about how he quit to encourage others It’s a testimony he has decided to share on as many platforms as he can get for the rest of his life – the story of how according to him, he was delivered from the grips of homosexuality.