Ghana Meteo Staff Strike Today

  Staff of the Ghana Meteorological Agency (GMet) have served notice to lay down their tools today Friday, February 18, 2022 over what they term as poor conditions of service. Read More... The post Ghana Meteo Staff Strike Today appeared first on DailyGuide Network.

Ghana Meteo Staff Strike Today


Staff of the Ghana Meteorological Agency (GMet) have served notice to lay down their tools today Friday, February 18, 2022 over what they term as poor conditions of service.

They are of the view that government has failed to respond to a resolution presented to the Communications and Digitalisation Ministry on January 5 which enumerated their poor conditions of service hence, their decision to embark on nationwide strike to express their displeasure.

“…having presented a resolution to the honourable Minister for Communications and Digitalisation dated January 5, 2022 without any response, we do hereby resolve to embark on an indefinite strike action starting from Friday 18th February 2022,” a statement from the staff noted.

Somewhere in 2016, the staff of GMet laid down their tools and demanded the amendment of GMET ACT 682 of 2004 which they had raised issues about as far back as 2013.

Since last year, a number of state institutions have embarked on strike actions to demand better conditions of service.

Read the full statement below;

By Vincent Kubi

The post Ghana Meteo Staff Strike Today appeared first on DailyGuide Network.