Ghana will bounce back from the IMF stronger – Alan Kyeremanteng assures

The Minister of Trade and Industry, Alan Kyeremanteng has allayed the fears of Ghanaians in regards to the bailout the country is seeking from the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

Ghana will bounce back from the IMF stronger – Alan Kyeremanteng assures

The Minister of Trade and Industry, Alan Kyeremanteng has allayed the fears of Ghanaians in regards to the bailout the country is seeking from the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

He said Ghana will come out of this bailout with a stronger economy.

In an interview on Accra based Metro TV, he said the government has a detailed plan on what it seeks from the IMF.

Describing the causal factors as force majeure, the Trade and Industry Minister pointed to the positive growth of the economy between 2017 and 2019 as enough reason to trust the leadership of the government to sail through the latest bailout.

Mr. Kyerematen explained that the factors that took the current government to IMF and that of the erstwhile NDC are completely different and that the already existing program tabled by the government will lessen the burden on Ghanaians.

Minister of Trade and Industry, Alan Kyerematen
Minister of Trade and Industry, Alan Kyerematen

According to the Minister, the IMF is there to assist member states that needed technical and or financial aid to help them to stand on their feet again.

In his opening speech on the Good Evening Ghana programme, the Minister said, “there is the need to discuss this issue (Ghana’s negotiations with the IMF) dispassionately and with real facts”.

He then highlighted the tangential growth of the economy that saw the economy shore up reserves at the Central bank, taming inflation, reducing debt to sustainable levels and creating trade surplus which resulted in more exports over imports in the first 18 months of the government.