Ghana’s becoming Sodom and Gomorrah - Lawrence Tetteh cries, blames pastors, politicians

Rev. Dr Lawrence Tetteh has accused the clergy of being complicit in what he refers to as a decline in morality in Ghana, saying “shame on my colleagues; we have missed it”.

Ghana’s becoming Sodom and Gomorrah - Lawrence Tetteh cries, blames pastors, politicians

Rev. Dr Lawrence Tetteh has accused the clergy of being complicit in what he refers to as a decline in morality in Ghana, saying “shame on my colleagues; we have missed it”.

According to the Founder and President of the Worldwide Miracle Outreach, while politicians are messing up the country out of greed and selfishness, a section of the clergy seems to be benefiting from the rot instead of standing up to them to defend the interest of the country.

He said this, among other things during his sermon of the 31st December 2022 watchnight service in Accra.

“Ghana is becoming Sodom and Gomorrah in the things that some time ago we stone, we rebuke, we chastise people about, we try to massage it politically now, shame on our politicians,” Rev. Dr Lawrence Tetteh is heard saying in a video saying to his congregation.

He lamented how men of God have associated themselves with politicians, making it difficult for them to speak against them (politicians) when they engage in acts that are detrimental to the nation’s survival.

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“Unfortunately shame on our pastors too who know the truth but cannot speak the truth because of pittance, because of pittance we know the truth but we cannot speak the truth, shame on our pastors, shame on the clergy, shame on my colleagues, my brothers, shame on all of us, we have missed it,” he cried.

His lamentations come in the wake of the severe economic crisis Ghana has been plunged into, making life difficult for the citizenry.

The Akufo-Addo-led New Patriotic Party government is currently looking forward to securing a three-billion-dollar bailout from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to salvage the economic downturn, all things being equal.