Gov’t appointed special assistants, consultants have hijacked our work - General Secretary of CLOGSAG

The General Secretary of the Civil and Local Government Staff Association of Ghana (CLOGSAG) says the work of the union’s members have been taken over by special assistants and consultants appointed by the government.

Gov’t appointed special assistants, consultants have hijacked our work - General Secretary of CLOGSAG

The General Secretary of the Civil and Local Government Staff Association of Ghana (CLOGSAG) says the work of the union’s members have been taken over by special assistants and consultants appointed by the government.

According to Dr. Isaac Bampoe the acctions of those appointees weakens the effectiveness of CLOGSAG.

“From this month onwards, may we be spared the excesses of personal or special assistants to top political appointees interfering with the day-to-day activities of civil servants, locking up the office of substantive directors, attending meetings on behalf of the institutions instead of the staff of the civil local government or the local government service.

“In some of the institutions, these personal assistants (take) the positions and virtually become the supervisors even though they have not received the requisite training and experience and are attending courses for serving officers,” he said this in a speech while commemorating May Day.

He, therefore, implored the Chief of Staff, Frema Osei Opare, to make public the individuals who have been appointed to such positions and their exact responsibilities.

“Would CLOGSAG be asking too much for the Chief of Staff to disclose the list of these special assistants and the scope of their assignments in general,” he asked.

CLOGSAG started a strike action on Thursday, April 21, 2022, after the government failed to pay the neutrality allowance as agreed in early this year.

The neutrality allowance, is to ensure that civil and local government workers do not engage in partisan politics during their work.

The union believes strongly that it is justified to demand the government to pay the allowance.

The union has made it clear they it will only resume work after the government has fully satisfied their agreement on the neutrality allowance.