Here’s how this ex-gay got his anal muscles damaged

• Nana Tarzan an ex-gay has been recounting his ordeal • He said he was introduced into the act by a senior in secondary school • He said through anal sex, he got his anal muscles damaged As a fresh student in a technical school, Nana Tarzan, as he is known popularly in showbiz went to school late and got punished to weed a portion of the school compound.

Here’s how this ex-gay got his anal muscles damaged
• Nana Tarzan an ex-gay has been recounting his ordeal • He said he was introduced into the act by a senior in secondary school • He said through anal sex, he got his anal muscles damaged As a fresh student in a technical school, Nana Tarzan, as he is known popularly in showbiz went to school late and got punished to weed a portion of the school compound.