Honeymoon sex: 6 mind-blowing tips to satisfy newlywed sex

You have much to enjoy and look forward to in the months and years ahead as a married couple, but the honeymoon marks the official intimate celebration for you and your spouse.

Honeymoon sex: 6 mind-blowing tips to satisfy newlywed sex

You have much to enjoy and look forward to in the months and years ahead as a married couple, but the honeymoon marks the official intimate celebration for you and your spouse.

After months and months of wedding planning, organizing and dealing with friends, families, and vendors, you both need to get some good alone rest and relaxation.

Stress and fatigue are known as libido killers, so it’s harder for sex to go down when both of you are tired as hell. So just chill out – when you pamper yourselves and come back to the centre, not only is it bonding time, but it’s then easier to feel desire and have a sexual appetite to devour your new husband/wife.

While it’s a great thing to go into your honeymoon with a revved-up sex drive, do not place too much pressure to make your honeymoon sex the best you’ve ever had.

Don’t set yourself up for failure by having expectations that are too overblown. Try these tips for your mindblowing honeymoon sex:

  • Take the pressure off 

Putting too much pressure on honeymoon sex to be out-of-this-world amazing (especially if your first time) can sometimes create anxiety for it to go perfectly.

That anxiety will ultimately be self-sabotaging. Going slow, especially the first night, creating low-pressure expectations, and allowing the body to flow from a place of relaxation will be most helpful.

  • Communicate

While we might not consider talking things out as part of a healthy sex life, it most certainly is. One of the biggest hurdles that hinder a rocking sex life is a lack of communication between partners.

Saying ‘yes,’ or ‘more of that’ can let your partner know what is working. Also, pay close attention to what your partner prefers, so you don't slip into a rut when you're back at home.

  • Don’t overdo activities

If your main goal is to have a lot of great sex, opt for a chill honeymoon that’s not too strenuous or demanding. If you plan a trip filled with activities, you're less likely to have the time and energy for high-quality intimacy and connection. Instead plan an easy-going vacation on a beach, vineyard or another low-key place that inspires romance and cuddly activities.

  • Fantasize

One way to turn your honeymoon into a hot vacation? Share one hot fantasy a night with each other. Make a promise with to your spouse that you will tell them one fantasy that you have never told them before for each night of your honeymoon. The important part of this exercise is that you each understand that no one expects that any of these fantasies have to be taken into action. Talk about what turns you on and what you might like to try with each other and then put to action the ones you feel comfortable trying.

  • Bring excitement into bed

If you and your partner have discussed new sex positions, sex toys, role play or light bondage and haven't tried it yet, your honeymoon could be a fun time to bring in a little novelty. A little novelty can usually bring some extra sexual heat to an erotic honeymoon experience.

  • Keep things relaxed

The best sex often flows when we are relaxed. For this reason, create a honeymoon scenario that allows both partners to feel at ease. Some might need more adventure, some might need total off-duty time. Either way, compromise to ensure both partners get their needs met and feel relaxed enough to connect sexually during or after.