Housing Minister Visits Coastal Towns Over Tidal Waves

Francis Asenso-Boakye The Minister for Works and Housing, Francis Asenso-Boakye, has expressed concern about the undue politicisation of the issue of tidal waves and its devastating effects on the lives Read More... The post Housing Minister Visits Coastal Towns Over Tidal Waves appeared first on DailyGuide Network.

Housing Minister Visits Coastal Towns Over Tidal Waves

Francis Asenso-Boakye

The Minister for Works and Housing, Francis Asenso-Boakye, has expressed concern about the undue politicisation of the issue of tidal waves and its devastating effects on the lives of the country’s coastal dwellers.

The issue, the minister indicated, is a national problem which needs to be tackled to keep the people safe and said it should be devoid of the temptation to score cheap political points with such occurrences.

The minister expressed the worry when he visited communities in Ada and Sege in the Ada East and West Districts respectively that have been adversely affected following the heavy tidal waves in coastal parts of the country recently.

The minister gave the assurances that the government was working to secure the needed funds to complete coastal protection works on sections of the country’s 550km coastal stretch that remain at risk due to the natural occurrence.

Following extensive discussions with the Finance Ministry, the minister said he was very optimistic that the government would soon raise the necessary funding to implement the needed mitigation measures against the increasing threats of tidal waves.

He said that the government takes the issue of coastal erosion and flooding seriously, adding that, it is the reason why huge financial investments in various sea defence projects across the country are being made.

“I can assure you that the government will do everything possible to assist you to recover from this unfortunate and traumatic experience,” the minister assured the affected residents,” adding “whilst the government is making these efforts, I would plead with the people to cease activities that expose our coastline to increased rate of erosion as well as increased risk of flooding.”

The minister visited the communities in the company of the District Chief Executives of the two districts, technical team from the Hydrological Services Department, and other officials from the ministry.


The post Housing Minister Visits Coastal Towns Over Tidal Waves appeared first on DailyGuide Network.