Kotoko Coach Explains Tamale Loss

Prosper Narteh Ogum Kotoko head coach, Prosper Narteh Ogum, has blamed his side’s loss to RTU on lack of focus. It was the Porcupine Warriors’ third loss this season, and Read More... The post Kotoko Coach Explains Tamale Loss appeared first on DailyGuide Network.

Kotoko Coach Explains Tamale Loss

Prosper Narteh Ogum

Kotoko head coach, Prosper Narteh Ogum, has blamed his side’s loss to RTU on lack of focus.

It was the Porcupine Warriors’ third loss this season, and the coach has also assigned individualistic play by his charges as reason for the defeat.

To him, the team deviated from what he rehearsed with them ahead of the game.

He said after the game, “I think they lost their focus on the field, most of the things that they were doing, especially with the ball, were not the things that they were supposed to do.”

Coach Ogum added, “They were too individualistic on the field, most of the players didn’t play as a unit, as a team, and I think that actually affected us.”

Notwithstanding the 1-2 defeat, Kotoko maintains the eight point lead on the log as leaders.

Meanwhile, RTU’s technical team has said they did not allow Kotoko much room to operate.

BY Kofi Owusu Aduonum

The post Kotoko Coach Explains Tamale Loss appeared first on DailyGuide Network.