Man with no place to sleep begs police officers to lock him up (video)

A heartbreaking video shows a man who had no place to sleep begging police officers profusely to throw him into their cells and fabricate whatever charge pleases them against him.

Man with no place to sleep begs police officers to lock him up (video)

A heartbreaking video shows a man who had no place to sleep begging police officers profusely to throw him into their cells and fabricate whatever charge pleases them against him.

The Kenyan man, named Alex Omondi, told the officers that his house had been locked up by his landlord, so he was homeless.

According to him, although he had not committed any crime, he thought it prudent to approach the law enforcement agency for help because the "police motto is Service to All".

"I don't have a place to sleep. My house has been closed by the landlord. So, I am here because the police motto is Service to All," Omondi is heard pleading passionately to the police in a local dialect.

The poor man was so desperate that he told the police officers that they could decide whether to release him the following morning or take him to court for whatever charges they preferred.

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When told that the police cells were meant only for criminals and not innocent people like him, he further begged the officers to help him either fabricate a charge against him or suggest a crime for him to commit, just so that he would be arrested and detained.

"Or is there a flag hoisted somewhere that I can lower so that you find something to arrest me for?" Omondi asked the officers, as translated by

Realising that the officers wouldn’t throw him, into the cells, the helpless man requested an empty desk to sit on.

What the video did not show is how the police officers eventually helped Omondi.

His situation has touched the hearts of many Kenyans on social media, some of whom have been calling for help for the needy man.

In an earlier report, the 2020 flagbearer of the All Peoples Congress (APC), Hassan Ayariga, vowed to spend the first day of his election as president of Ghana if he won that year's election.

According to him, the gesture would send a strong signal to his appointees that none of them is above the law and that they would not escape the rigors of the law under his watch if they indulged in any act of corruption.

"…Under Hassan Ayariga the first thing I want to assure is that when I become President, the first day I’m going to sleep in the prison. The first day I become President that day I will not sleep in my house. I’m going to go to the police station and ask them to open the door I want to sleep in there because that is going to be the signal that if the President himself can sleep in the cell whoever is corrupt no favour no fear will sleep there," he told Joy FM in an interview.

Fingers were crossed to see if the politician and businessman would honour his word, but unfortunately, he didn’t win the election.