Marlon Anipa Dies 24 Hours After Officially Taking Office as Guan DCE

The District Chief Executive (DCE) of the newly inaugurated Guan District in the Oti Region, Marlon Anipa,has passed on. He is reported to have died in the early hours of Read More... The post Marlon Anipa Dies 24 Hours After Officially Taking Office as Guan DCE appeared first on DailyGuide Network.

Marlon Anipa Dies 24 Hours After Officially Taking Office as Guan DCE

The District Chief Executive (DCE) of the newly inaugurated Guan District in the Oti Region, Marlon Anipa,has passed on.

He is reported to have died in the early hours of Tuesday, November 16, 2021, while being sent to the Hohoe Government Hospital for treatment.

His death comes barely 24 hours after he officially commenced work; following his confirmation as DCE on November 5, 2021 (11 days ago).

Although close relations are yet to confirm the incident, members of the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP) in the Oti Region have done so through the media and other social media platforms.

Mr. Anipa was seen in the company of the Oti Regional Minister, Joshua Makubu yesterday, November 15, 2021, when they toured some examination centers in the Guan District.

The two gave well wishes to candidates of the 2021 Basic  Education Certificate Examination (BECE) and urged them to give off their best so, they can also benefit from the FREE Senior High School Program.

The Regional Minister, Joseph Makubo said “He (Marlon) was well when we went round the three examination centers in the Guan District. He was his usual humorous self and we had a hearty conversation. We even spoke about repairing a school block at Santrokofi which had been devastated by heavy rains.”

“It was therefore shocking to hear this morning that he has passed.”

It is reported that during the tour; Mr. Anipa gave indication of some challenge with his breathing. Fortunately, this was dealt with and the day ended successfully.

Only for him to be rushed to the Hospital on Tuesday dawn at about 2:00am. Unfortunately he died on arrival at about 2:15 am; thus Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Narrating the turn of events, the Guan District Coordinating Director (DCD), Sibeko Osman indicated that after the confirmation on November 5, 2021, Mr. Anipa went to Accra on a working visit.

He officially took office on Monday, November 15, 2021. Following which he (DCD) accompanied Mr. Anipa and the Regional Minister on the BECE rounds.

He said he noticed the DCE’s breathing was unusual, but did not consider it to be a serious matter. Considering that the DCE was hearty and his humorous self.

After the close of business, the DCE returned to his temporal accomodation; a hotel in Hohoe to rest. The Hotel Manager said the DCE requested for some drugs to be procured for him as he was feeling unwell.

Some hours later the hotel staff received a distress call from the DCE and rushed him to the Hohoe Government Hospital.

Unfortunately, Mr. Anipa gave up the ghost before they could reach the hospital at about 2:15am on Tuesday.

The news of his passing has triggered mourning in the Guan District with many clothed in black.

Until his confirmation as the Guan DCE, Marlon was a consultant for the Railway Ministry on some of its projects. He is a leading member of the governing New Patriotic Party’s (NPPs) Diaspora Patrons of Ghana.

He was a key member of the NPP, UK branch for several years; where he served as Organizer and Assistant Secretary at different times.  While in the UK, he worked with the Health sector as a consultant.

In 2016, when Oti and Volta was one Region (Volta), he contested the Hohoe parliamentary seat on the ticket of the NPP but failed to win the seat.

From Fred Duodu, Oti (

The post Marlon Anipa Dies 24 Hours After Officially Taking Office as Guan DCE appeared first on DailyGuide Network.