Myhelp-Yourhelp Foundation supports orphans at Graceland Needy Childcare Shelter

It was an atmosphere of great joy, dancing and merrymaking for the children and caretakers of the Graceland Needy Childcare Shelter upon the arrival of the bus that transported the Read More... The post Myhelp-Yourhelp Foundation supports orphans at Graceland Needy Childcare Shelter appeared first on DailyGuide Network.

Myhelp-Yourhelp Foundation supports orphans at Graceland Needy Childcare Shelter

It was an atmosphere of great joy, dancing and merrymaking for the children and caretakers of the Graceland Needy Childcare Shelter upon the arrival of the bus that transported the members of the “Myhelp-Yourhelp Foundation”.

The Christian Non-Profit Organization (NPO) gives to the needy all year round, but saw the occasion of Easter as befitting of showing love to the Childcare Centre.

The foundation feted the children to sumptuous meals and good music. Their joy in receiving seemed unmatched, and could be likened to the joy one feels upon the realization of the significance of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the giving of His very self to mankind many years ago, for which reason Christians commemorate Easter.

The children did not only receive, they gave also, and displayed fascinating displays of talents such as cadet drills, choreography, Bible and poetry recitals amidst others.

According to Mr. Jeff Kwashie, the project coordinator of Myhelp-Yourhelp foundation, “they raised the issues of a tank to store water, school uniforms, furniture, stationeries and foodstuffs. They also sought for roofing sheets to complete the rest of the dormitories. We feel these are children who either have no parents or have been left on the streets to face the world on their own with their feeble hands. They are helpless, and very vulnerable.”

The donation on Easter Saturday, April 16 2022 was led by the founder of the foundation, Mr. Nicholas Cofie.

He stated that the exercise forms part of their Corporate Social Responsibility.

Items donated included bags of rice, bags of gari, bags of corn dough and cassava dough, cartons of milk, packs of bottled water, and packs of soft drinks, among others.

Speaking after the donation, Miss. Sonia Oblitey (Director of MyHelp-YourHelp & Brand Ambassador of the USA branch) iterated that it is a pity to see such talented children living under unwholesome conditions.

She made an appeal to all benevolent individuals and institutions to support the work of the foundation so that they could reach out to many more vulnerable children in the country.

The founder of the foundation, Mr. Nicholas Cofie, said the foundation believes in spreading love, hope and smiles.

For him, the Foundation was conceived and built on the teachings of Christian doctrines, hence their strong belief in seeing to the wellbeing of the underprivileged in society.

He said the Foundation occasionally visits orphanages, prison establishments, rehabilitation centers, special schools, and deprived communities to impact the lives of the persons there.

About Myhelp-Yourhelp Foundation

Myhelp-Yourhelp Foundation is a group of working-class professionals (doctors, nurses, lecturers, security officers, engineers, entrepreneurs etc.) who have come together to pool resources so as to help alleviate the plight of the poor, needy and less privileged in society.

This is done by the mobilization of funds both internally (contributions from members) and externally (getting sponsorship from organizations, benevolent individuals, and philanthropists).

The NPO focuses on inspiring and empowering orphans, street children and the vulnerable in society, with the aim of improving their socio-economic status. Hence the slogan “Myhelp-Yourhelp Foundation!!! Caring for the Needy and Less privileged in Society”

According to Mr Cofie, the NPO was established on March 21, 2018, at Adenta in Accra, purposely to help orphans and the needy, explaining that growing up as an orphan himself motivated him to establish the foundation to assist others.

The foundation, prior to the project held over the Easter weekend, had successfully undertaken 7 orphanage projects and 8 Community based projects, 15 major projects in total since its inception on March 28, 2018.

The post Myhelp-Yourhelp Foundation supports orphans at Graceland Needy Childcare Shelter appeared first on DailyGuide Network.