Naming Ghana’s airport after a traitor like Kotoka is insulting – Ras Mubarak

Ras Mubarak, a former National Democratic Congress (NDC) Member of Parliament for Kumbungu has joined calls for the renaming of the Kotoka International Airport.

Naming Ghana’s airport after a traitor like Kotoka is insulting – Ras Mubarak

Ras Mubarak, a former National Democratic Congress (NDC) Member of Parliament for Kumbungu has joined calls for the renaming of the Kotoka International Airport.

He said the late E.K. Kotoka was a traitor therefore he deserved no honour by naming Ghana’s main airport after him.

In a post on Facebook, Mubarak said the name should be changed and named after someone more befitting.

Ras Mubarak in a January 3, 2023 Facebook post said it would serve a better purpose if the name is changed to Accra International Airport or that it is named after a Ga Chief of Salifu Dagarti.

"To glorify the traitor Kotoka with an airport in his honour is downright insulting," his post read in part.

"Nkrumah’s ghost won’t stop haunting Ghana until we get rid of such nonsensical things and properly atone for our sins. The last vestige of that painful February 24th, 1966 event must be wiped off," the post concluded.

Showbiz personality Kwaku Sintim-Misa has also described the naming of an airport after Lieutenant-General Emmanuel Kwasi Kotoka as disgraceful.


How have we come to accept this national outrage, that our country’s main airport is still named after a thug who helped stage a coup against Kwame Nkrumah, our national hero and greatest African of the last millennium?

Kotoka International Airport
Kotoka International Airport

What’s even more insulting is the fact that this airport, which was previously a military airbase under British colonial rule was refurbished and expanded into an international airport by Kwame Nkrumah.

To glorify the traitor Kotoka with an airport in his honour is downright insulting. Just change the name to Accra International Airport or after a great Ga Chief or Salifu Dagarti Int. Airport. Whatever. Certainly not Kotoka. How difficult is this?

Nkrumah’s ghost won’t stop haunting Ghana until we get rid of such nonsensical things and properly atone for our sins. The last vestige of that painful February 24th, 1966 event must be wiped off.