Nana Addo has already failed to execute Agenda 111 — Alex Segbefia

A former Minister of Health Alex Segbefia has said President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has already failed to execute Agenda 111 which aims at constructing 111 hospitals made up of 88 district hospitals, and six regional hospitals, three psychiatric hospitals, and refurbishment of the Accra Psychiatric Hospital.

Nana Addo has already failed to execute Agenda 111 — Alex Segbefia

A former Minister of Health Alex Segbefia has said President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has already failed to execute Agenda 111 which aims at constructing 111 hospitals made up of 88 district hospitals, and six regional hospitals, three psychiatric hospitals, and refurbishment of the Accra Psychiatric Hospital.

"It has already failed in terms of the deadline. The President said 18 months, now he explains 18 months, from the day it starts.

"What is the meaning of, when I start? At least, let us have some 20 or 30 hospitals now running.

"They are a failure," Alex Segbefia said on TV3.

Former Minister of Health, Alex Segbefia
Former Minister of Health, Alex Segbefia

President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo said the revised National Health Policy that promises to provide the requisite leadership and resources for its effective implementation dubbed Agenda 111 is the biggest healthcare investment in Ghana's history.

Delivering the State of the Nation address of his second term on Tuesday, March 9, 2021, the President said "Last year, thirty-three (33) major health projects were approved for implementation at a cost of eight hundred and ninety million euros (€890 million). Key amongst them are the Koforidua Regional Hospital, Tema General Hospital, the Nephrology and Urology Centre at Korle-Bu, the redevelopment of the Effia Nkwanta Hospital into a Teaching Hospital, and the Construction of a new Regional Hospital at Agona Nkwanta in the Western Region."

Agenda 111 plan
Agenda 111 plan

According to him, "Agenda 111 is part of a massive vision for Ghana’s healthcare sector, the realization of which will lead to Ghana becoming a Centre of Medical Excellence and a destination for medical tourism.

He also announced that the government will commence the construction of hospitals in the 88 districts in the country without hospitals.