NDC’s promise to scrap e-levy has won them over 100,000 votes for 2024 – Kofi Bentil

Vice President of Imani Ghana, Kofi Bentil has said that the National Democratic Congress (NDC) has gained a massive favor ahead of the 2024 general elections.

NDC’s promise to scrap e-levy has won them over 100,000 votes for 2024 – Kofi Bentil

Vice President of Imani Ghana, Kofi Bentil has said that the National Democratic Congress (NDC) has gained a massive favor ahead of the 2024 general elections.

He said the promise by its 2020 flagbearer, John Dramani Mahama to scarp the e-levy should they win in 2024 will garner the party votes.

In a post on Facebook, Mr. Bentil wrote: NDC promises to scrap e-levy… They just won 100,000 votes!

John Mahama in his May 2 public address buttressed the NDC’s position to abolish the E-levy which it describes as ‘draconian’

Mahama said "unfortunately in the face of this self-inflicted economic catastrophe, this government against all sound advise has decided to introduce the E-Levy that heaps more suffering on Ghanaians."

"A new national democratic congress government, God willing, with the votes of the sovereign people of Ghana, in 2025 will repeal the E-Levy act," he said when he addressed Ghanaians on the theme 'Ghana At A Crossroads', on Monday, May 2, 2022.

John Mahama
John Mahama

"Even as this government remains fixated on taxing their way out of economic mismanagement, the Akufo-Addo government has been wasteful. They have failed to demonstrate prudence in public financial management.”

"The people of Ghana cannot be called upon to pay more taxes only for the accruing money belonging to the people of Ghana, to be dubiously and wastefully shared among family and friends through various fraudulent procurement practices," he added.

Meanwhile, the value of mobile money transactions has dropped again by 50 percent following the commencement of the implementation of the Electronic Transaction levy (E-levy) on Sunday, May 1, 2022.