New DCEs Nominated for Akatsi North and Adaklu

Bright Kwame Nyatsikor (Adaklu Nominee) and Paul Agbesi Ayrah (Akatsi North Nominee) Two new nominees have been named to replace the Akatsi North and Adaklu nominees who were outrightly rejected Read More... The post New DCEs Nominated for Akatsi North and Adaklu appeared first on DailyGuide Network.

New DCEs Nominated for Akatsi North and Adaklu

Bright Kwame Nyatsikor (Adaklu Nominee) and Paul Agbesi Ayrah (Akatsi North Nominee)

Two new nominees have been named to replace the Akatsi North and Adaklu nominees who were outrightly rejected by their respective assemblies recently.

The two; Bright Kwame Nyatsikor nominated for Adaklu and Paul Agbesi Ayrah for Akatsi North are to replace Phanuel Kadey Donkor and Propser Kofi Patu respectively.

Phanuel and Propser who were nominated to be confirmed for the position of District Chief Executive (DCE) failed to secure two-thirds of the votes of their respective assemblies to be confirmed as DCE’s.

The Assembly members of the two assemblies rejected them on two occasions when they (Phanuel and Prosper) were presented for confirmation in October. Thus, the nominees got less than 50 percent of their (Assembly members’) votes on both occasions.

After their initial failed attempt early in October, the President gave them another opportunity and re-nominated them, yet the two failed to win the votes and support of the Assembly members.

Consequently, the President through the Minister of Local Government,  Decentralization and Rural Development, Dan Kweku Botwe have nominated new candidates to replace the earlier ones.

The statement issued for their nomination said the President was acting in accordance with Article 243(1) of the 1992 Constitution and Section 20(1) of the Local Government Act, Act 936 (as amended).

It also directed that the nominee and their respective assemblies should liaise with the Regional Electoral Commission to conduct the confirmation process.

Mr Paul Agbesi Ayrah who replaces Prosper Patu as Akatsi North DCE, is an English Language teacher and Human Rights Activist. He was a former elected Assembly member and former Government appointee of the Akatsi North District Assembly.

The 52-year-old is currently the Secretary of Akatsi North Private School Owners Association and the NPP Communication Director for the Akatsi North Constituency.

Bright Kwame Nyatsikor on the other hand is the NPP Constituency Secretary and member of the Volta Regional Communication Team of the party.

Mr. Nyatsikor who replaces Phanuel Kadey Donkor, the renominated DCE for Adaklu, holds a Master of Arts Degree in Development Communication from the Ghana Institute of Journalism (GIJ) and Bachelor of Science (Bsc) in Agricultural Engineering from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST).

The 38 year old is currently the Public Relations Officer (PRO) of the Volta Regional Office of the National Health Insurance Authority.

DGN Online understands that, the confirmation meeting of the two assemblies have been slated for Friday, November 5, 2021.

From Fred Duodu, Ho (

The post New DCEs Nominated for Akatsi North and Adaklu appeared first on DailyGuide Network.