No Evidence Linking Husband To Rhodaline’s Disappearance – Police

Rhodaline Amoah-Darko The Ghana Police Service have dismissed reports linking Rhodaline Amoah-Darko, the Lands Commission’s staff disappearance to her husband, Dr. Wilberforce Aggrey. The police said they had no such Read More... The post No Evidence Linking Husband To Rhodaline’s Disappearance – Police appeared first on DailyGuide Network.

No Evidence Linking Husband To Rhodaline’s Disappearance – Police

Rhodaline Amoah-Darko

The Ghana Police Service have dismissed reports linking Rhodaline Amoah-Darko, the Lands Commission’s staff disappearance to her husband, Dr. Wilberforce Aggrey.

The police said they had no such evidence linking him to his wife’s disappearance as of Wednesday October 27, 2021.

They are therefore asking the public to put an end to such reportage to enable them to go ahead with their investigations.

“It must be placed on record that, as of today, Wednesday, October 27, 2021, the police have no evidence linking Dr. Aggrey to the disappearance of Rhodaline,” accoridng to a statement issued by the police on Wednesday, October 27, 2021.

However, the police said it has secured a court order to refer the husband for a psychiatric examination as a result of some incoherent statements from him on the matter.

“As part of the investigation into the disappearance of Rhodaline Amoah-Darko, a staff of the Lands Commission in the Ashanti Region, the Police on Tuesday, October 26, 2021, secured a court order to refer the husband of Rhodalne, Dr. Wilberforce Aggrey, for a psychiatric examination due to some incoherent statements from him on the matter.

“Investigation is still ongoing and at this point, we are unable to disclose any information to the public on the matter.”

Rhodaline Amoah-Darko works with the Lands Commission in the Ashanti Region as a Land Administration Officer.

Prior to her disappearance, she was on Nhyira FM’s morning show on Friday, August 27, 2021, to educate the public on land-related issues.

Some unsubstantiated reports claims that she was picked up from work, together with a colleague by some persons who are yet to be identified.

By Vincent Kubi

The post No Evidence Linking Husband To Rhodaline’s Disappearance – Police appeared first on DailyGuide Network.