Police Arrest Illegal Firearms Dealer In Bono East

Suspect Bayele with the guns The Bono East Regional Police Command has arrested Kwesi Bayele, a 25-year-old young man for allegedly manufacturing and dealing in illegal firearms. During a search, Read More... The post Police Arrest Illegal Firearms Dealer In Bono East appeared first on DailyGuide Network.

Police Arrest Illegal Firearms Dealer In Bono East

Suspect Bayele with the guns

The Bono East Regional Police Command has arrested Kwesi Bayele, a 25-year-old young man for allegedly manufacturing and dealing in illegal firearms.

During a search, the Police retrieved 20 ammunitions including; locally-manufactured long barrel guns and pistols at his residence at Zambrama, near Kwame Danso in the Sene East District of the region.

Briefing Ghana News Agency (GNA) in Techiman, Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCOP) Moses Atibilla, Bono East Regional Police Commander, said Bayele, a native of the Upper West Region was arrested on Wednesday, November 3, this year.

He is a key suspect manufacturing and supplying firearms to most criminals and armed robbers in the region and until his arrest the suspect had been dealing in illegal firearms at Gulumpe in the Kintampo North Municipality.

“In fact we gathered he supplied the ringleader of an armed robbery syndicate, Issah Seidu who was arrested in August this year with guns and ammunition to operate”, DCOP Atibilla indicated.

The suspect, he added, had since been remanded into Police custody till November 30 while investigations continued.

DCOP Atibilla stressed the Police readiness to clamp down on criminal activities in the region and appealed to the public to support by providing the Police with information about people with questionable characters.

“We have put in place stringent security measures to ensure all criminal activities in the region are halted”, he stated.

The post Police Arrest Illegal Firearms Dealer In Bono East appeared first on DailyGuide Network.