Politics Is For All, Not Your Family Property – Bishop Bosomtwe Tells NDC

Bishop Stephen Richard Bosomtwe Ayensu Former Bishop of the Obuasi Diocese of the Methodist Church, Bishop Stephen Richard Bosomtwe Ayensu, has rubbished the opposition NDC claims that he doesn’t have Read More... The post Politics Is For All, Not Your Family Property – Bishop Bosomtwe Tells NDC appeared first on DailyGuide Network.

Politics Is For All, Not Your Family Property – Bishop Bosomtwe Tells NDC

Bishop Stephen Richard Bosomtwe Ayensu

Former Bishop of the Obuasi Diocese of the Methodist Church, Bishop Stephen Richard Bosomtwe Ayensu, has rubbished the opposition NDC claims that he doesn’t have the right to speak on political issues in the country.

According to him, there is no law in Ghana banning Pastors from talking about politics.

He emphatically stated that “Politics is not anyone’s family property, politics is for all and we must share our opinion as and when we want to without fear. I don’t know why people have issues with me when I talk politics. Is it because I am a man of God? Don’t we [men of God] vote in this country? I am a voter’’.

The former Bishop’s comments follow the attacks from the NDC on his personality after he lashed out at the former President, John Dramani Mahama for his resolve to cancel the much talked about electronic transfer levy if voted into office in 2025, believing Mahama wouldn’t even “come to power to cancel it [E-levy].”

His comments have attracted some invectives mainly from the opposition NDC, while some accuse him of manifesting signs of sour grapes and an anti-NDC clergy, others have described him as a vile, unintelligent NPP propagandist parading in a cassock.

He has vowed not to shy away from talking, but to continue sharing his thoughts on political issues as and when he feels like it.

Speaking to journalists at the 25th Synod of the Methodist Church at the Mount Zion Methodist Church at Obuasi in the Ashanti Region, he described the pronouncement by Mr. Mahama as backward and an attempt to sway voters.

“A leading opposition party says this government has been borrowing to fund projects. But it [the government] has been strategic this time to introduce this homegrown policy to build our nation. So if someone says he will repeal this law when he wins power, then such a person will not even win power to abort it.

“If the E-levy is a good policy, why will you abolish it? Such people can’t even do it because history keeps guiding us. Such comments usually end up as political talk and deceit, the former Methodist Bishop of Obuasi said.

NDC Attacks

However, the members of the NDC who weren’t happy with the comments made by the outspoken Bishop took him to the cleaners on social media by verbally attacking his personality.

Felix Ofosu Kwakye, a former Deputy Minister of Communications described the Bishop as an NPP propagandist.

In a post on his Facebook page, he said “Bosomtwi Ayensu is not only a vile NPP propagandist, but he has also proven himself a shallow and ignorant one at that. His reason for the claim captured in this headline is that canceling E-Levy means there will be no money for Free SHS because VAT brings no money to government”.

“He is to be dismissed as a charlatan who merely abused the pulpit for the NPP’s partisan gain.No substance emanates from him and he will fool nobody this time has given the horrible governance his NPP has exhibited”.

But speaking on Neat FM, Bishop Ayensu explained that he was indifferent to such descriptions of his comments.

“We have politicians who are also men of God. If that is the case, they should also put the Bible aside and use the constitution alone. There is no law that says pastors cannot talk about politics,” he said.

-BY Daniel Bampoe

The post Politics Is For All, Not Your Family Property – Bishop Bosomtwe Tells NDC appeared first on DailyGuide Network.