PSGH Congratulates Pharm. Delese Darko

Pharm. Mrs. Delese Mimi Darko The Pharmaceutical Society Of Ghana (PSGH) has congratulated the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Food & Drugs Authority (FDA), Pharm. Mrs. Delese Mimi Darko Read More... The post PSGH Congratulates Pharm. Delese Darko appeared first on DailyGuide Network.

PSGH Congratulates Pharm. Delese Darko

Pharm. Mrs. Delese Mimi Darko

The Pharmaceutical Society Of Ghana (PSGH) has congratulated the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Food & Drugs Authority (FDA), Pharm. Mrs. Delese Mimi Darko for being adjudged the best public sector CEO of the year at the African Public Sector Conference and Awards 2022.
The award was presented at the 3rd Edition of the African Public Sector Conference & Awards (APSCA) held at Kempiski Hotel in Accra.

According to a congratulatory release by the PSGH signed by its president Pharm. Samuel Kow Donkoh, the CEO of the Food and Drugs Authority (FDA), Pharm. Mrs. Delese Mimi Darko has been an exemplary and industrious career regulator.
It said she has risen up the ranks over the years by building upon the foundation of the trail blazers before her including the late Pharm. T.C Corquaye.
“Since assuming the reigns of the FDA, Pharm. Mrs. Darko has consistently moved the institution forward. She made us proud when in May, 2020 the World Health Organization (WHO) in recognition of her hard work, ranked Ghana’s FDA at Maturity Level 3 for its medicines regulatory system that ensures the safety, quality and efficacy of all medical products imported, manufactured or distributed in the country,” it added.
The society said Ghana has become the second country in Africa to obtain the Maturity Level 3 in medicines regulation and on its way to Level 4 adding that many other notable achievements by the FDA under her leadership is worthy of commendation.
“All Pharmacists in Ghana and particularly those in regulation are proud of the exemplary leadership and the high level of professionalism exhibited by Pharm. Mrs. Darko since her appointment as CEO of the FDA. The PSGH congratulates her on this new recognition as the Best Public Sector CEO. The PSGH believes this will be a great shot in the arm to do more for the FDA and mother Ghana,” it said.

The post PSGH Congratulates Pharm. Delese Darko appeared first on DailyGuide Network.