Rev. Mrs. Rita Korankye Ankrah Takes Gospel To Zion College

Rev. Mrs. Rita Korankye Ankrah making a presentation to the school authorities Revivalist, Career Guidance and Marriage Counselor, Conference and Motivational Speaker, Rev. Mrs. Rita Korankye-Ankrah, over the weekend, held Read More... The post Rev. Mrs. Rita Korankye Ankrah Takes Gospel To Zion College appeared first on DailyGuide Network.

Rev. Mrs. Rita Korankye Ankrah Takes Gospel To Zion College

Rev. Mrs. Rita Korankye Ankrah making a presentation to the school authorities

Revivalist, Career Guidance and Marriage Counselor, Conference and Motivational Speaker, Rev. Mrs. Rita Korankye-Ankrah, over the weekend, held a massive crusade at her alma mater, Zion College in the Volta Region.

The comeback crusade themed “A Call To Jesus,” formed part of a list of activities earmarked for the 60th birthday celebration of the Woman of God affectionately called Mama Rita.

It brought together close to 2000 students from Keta Business College, Anlo Technical Institute, Atorkor Vocational Training Institute and Zion College to hear the live-changing story of Mama Rita.

In 1982, while a student at Zion College, Mama Rita received Jesus Christ as her Lord and Personal Saviour during a crusade organised in the school by her husband, Sam Korankye Ankrah, while he was on an evangelism duty.

This encounter with Jesus Christ began the positive shift in her life, which has today given her a successful ministry and family.

Mama Rita could not hold back her emotions as she was given a rousing welcome including a guard of honour by the schools’ cadet corps.

She shared her story of how she found herself in Zion College 41 years ago after failing her O’Level exams.

“Since morning, I have been so emotional. My coming here today gives me a nostalgic feeling. When I was here 41 years ago, at the time I was here, I thought this was my wilderness, but today and at 60, I join Jacob to say ‘this is actually the gate of heaven and I did not know,” she said.

She said Zion College gave her a reason to live and made her who she is today because God found her there and the man who led her to Christ became her husband.

She preached from John 1:45-46 as she encouraged the students not to despise their current situation and think nothing good can come out of them.

An altar call was made and hundreds of students boldly came forward to receive Christ.

The District Director of Education, Yvonne Akpene Ame-Bruce, thanked Rev. Mrs Korankye-Ankrah for organizing such an event as she decried the sharp decline in discipline among the students.

“My dear students, it is virtually impossible for any individual to have good morals and attain success in life without depending on God as the only one for the sustenance of their lives,” she said.

She said the crusade will go a long way to impact the students with good morals and help improve the sharp decline in discipline among students.


As characteristic of Mama Rita, she went bearing gifts for the school and students.

This included a set of PA system for the school, 40 bags of rice, 5 gallons of oil, 10 boxes of mackerel, 5 boxes of sardine, 5 boxes of tin tomatoes, 15 boxes of spaghetti, gifts to be presented to the teachers and packed lunch for all students and everyone gathered at the crusade.

These items were received by the Headmaster, Innocent August, who was accompanied by the District Director of Education and the three assistant heads of Zion College.

Mama Rita also decided to supply the cadet corps of Zion College with new uniforms and announced the iintroduction of the Sam Korankye Ankrah Award for the best teaching and non-teaching staff, which will be at the school’s anniversary celebration every year.

She added that a scholarship will be given to students who gain admission into any of the government universities.

School Tour

Mama Rita visited the sick bay, the well they used to draw water from for their domestic activities and the old boys dormitory.

She had the chance to enter the dining hall where she gave her life to Christ and visited the old girls dormitory where she was, during her student days.

At the dormitory, she went to the room she was once an occupant and surprisingly, she found the bed she used to sleep on. The final place she visited was her classroom. The smiles and nostalgic moment on her face was priceless.

“This is my Holy Ground and I am Grateful to God for making the Comeback Crusade a success,” she said.

Mama Rita was joined by two of her children, Ps. Nana Akosua Korankye-Ankrah and Ps. Paapa Korankye-Ankrah.

Also present at the crusade were Mad. Yvonne Akpene Ame-Bruce District Director of Education, DSP William Agbenyo, District Commander of Ghana Police, Rev. Ben Amenume Past Managing Director of UMB, President of Chartered Institute of Bankers, Rev. Dzifa Gapleadzi Director of Administration, RCI, Rev. Dr. Anastasia Yirenkyi, Director with Ministry of Health, among many other dignitaries.

The post Rev. Mrs. Rita Korankye Ankrah Takes Gospel To Zion College appeared first on DailyGuide Network.