Review Major Policy Interventions – Kwakye

Dr. John Kwakye DIRECTOR OF Research at the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA), Dr. John Kwakye, has asserted that it would be more helpful if government reviews its major policy Read More... The post Review Major Policy Interventions – Kwakye appeared first on DailyGuide Network.

Review Major Policy Interventions – Kwakye

Dr. John Kwakye

DIRECTOR OF Research at the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA), Dr. John Kwakye, has asserted that it would be more helpful if government reviews its major policy interventions as part of measures to tackle the current economic quagmire.

To him, proposals for a relook at some of the flagship programmes by the Akufo-Addo administration should have been considered and announced as part of actions being taken to cut down the country’s ballooning expenditure for economic stability.

Dr. John Kwakye’s concerns stem from the Finance Minister’s indication that despite the country’s current fiscal difficulties, the government is determined to continue with the financial commitments and implementation of its socio-economic schemes.

“I realise that, on the government’s flagship programmes, we had proposed that they should be reviewed. For the Free SHS programme, we thought that government could introduce a cost-sharing arrangement with parents so that we reduce the burden on the budget.

“The other programs like NABCo, nursing and teacher trainee allowances, we thought that maybe in these difficult times, it was about time that they were either suspended or reduced. In that respect, I don’t think that the Minister went far enough,” he said.

Stakeholders, including the opposition NDC, have urged the government to take another look at the Free SHS programme and take expenditure cuts, among others, to save the country money.

Other civil society organisations have also called for a review of the programme, including suggestions that the programme was limited to persons who were genuinely poor and unable to fund their secondary education.

Chairman of the National Development Planning Commission, Prof. Stephen Adei, explains that the GH¢7.6 billion expenditure on the programme over the past five years was taking a toll on Ghana’s economy.

No rollback

But government maintains all its flagship programmes will run regardless of the challenges confronting the country’s economy.

This is contrary to earlier suggestions by the Minister for Information, Kojo Oppong Nkrumah, that all 16 flagship programmes of the government were up for review following a recent Cabinet meeting.

Speaking at a press briefing Thursday, the Finance Minister said there was no such intention to review any of the government’s policies.

“Let me say that President Akufo-Addo has no absolute intention to roll back any major policy like the Free SHS. He sees education as the best and enabling force for sustainable economic growth, transformation, and social mobility, and we will do more to improve on it for it to serve more and better our children.”


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