Roads Minister Presents Evidence Of Roads Constructed Under Akufo-Addo

  Roads and Highways Minister, Kwasi Amoako- Atta has presented to parliament a detailed document of the number of roads the Akufo-Addo-led government has constructed between 2017 to 2021. This Read More... The post Roads Minister Presents Evidence Of Roads Constructed Under Akufo-Addo appeared first on DailyGuide Network.

Roads Minister Presents Evidence Of Roads Constructed Under Akufo-Addo


Roads and Highways Minister, Kwasi Amoako- Atta has presented to parliament a detailed document of the number of roads the Akufo-Addo-led government has constructed between 2017 to 2021.

This was in accordance with the first deputy Speaker of Parliament, Joseph Osei Owusu’s directive to the minister to furnish the house with the data on the total number of roads the Akufo-Addo government has constructed since assuming office.

Speaking on the floor of Parliament the minister said “… the speaker mandated me to bring proof of what I was talking about, I had no choice than to comply, so Mr. Speaker I have compiled all the roads intervention between 2017-2021 and it totals 4263.37KM and Mr. Speaker my ministry, because they want to offer a prima facie evidence of what we have done, we have broken the roads intervention into regions and it covers all the 16 regions of our country and we have also gone further to itemize all the roads activities that constitutes that total number.”

He added that there hasn’t been any government who has constructed more roads in the country than Akufo-Addo’s.

“…over 4000KM of roads has been constructed under the Akufo-Addo led government, he has done marvellously well and his performance in the road sector is unprecedented since independence in 1957 for our country.”

Meanwhile, the Chairman on roads and Transport Committee of Parliament and MP for Akim Swedru, Kennedy Osei Nyarko, has announced that the government of Ghana is set to commit a total of two billion Ghana cedis into the construction of four separate by-passes on Accra-Kumasi highway as part of its dualization program.

These projects, he added are expected to commence latest by first week of April this year.

He said a distance of 11.6 kilometres of the by-pass project would be carried out at Osino, 6.1 kilometres at Anyinam, 10.5 kilometres at Enyiresi and finally 13.5 kilometres at Konongo.

By Vincent Kubi


The post Roads Minister Presents Evidence Of Roads Constructed Under Akufo-Addo appeared first on DailyGuide Network.