Sam George tops Twitter trends after BBC interview

• Ningo Prampram MP granted an interview to the BBC on the anti-LGBTQ+ Bill • His responses in the interview have scored high marks by social media users •Parliament has commenced debate on the Bill Member of Parliament for Ningo-Prampram, Sam Nartey Goerge, has topped Twitter trends after his interview with Claire McDonald, the host of BBC’s Newsday program.

Sam George tops Twitter trends after BBC interview
• Ningo Prampram MP granted an interview to the BBC on the anti-LGBTQ+ Bill • His responses in the interview have scored high marks by social media users •Parliament has commenced debate on the Bill Member of Parliament for Ningo-Prampram, Sam Nartey Goerge, has topped Twitter trends after his interview with Claire McDonald, the host of BBC’s Newsday program.