Serwaa Broni's allegations: NPP not bothered over petition against Nana Addo — Obiri Boahen

A Deputy General Secretary of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Nana Obiri Boahen has said the party is not bothered over the petition against President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo after Evelyn Serwaa Broni alleged a robbery attack on her by some operatives of the National Security.

Serwaa Broni's allegations: NPP not bothered over petition against Nana Addo — Obiri Boahen

A Deputy General Secretary of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Nana Obiri Boahen has said the party is not bothered over the petition against President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo after Evelyn Serwaa Broni alleged a robbery attack on her by some operatives of the National Security.

Serwaa Broni in a video was heard alleging that President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo and some of his assigns orchestrated a robbery attack on her, over her supposed threat to expose the President regarding an alleged romantic affair with her.

The matter has generated heated discussions on social media and the Minority in Parliament has hinted at plans to take legal action against the President.

Three Ghanaian citizens petitioned Parliament to initiate impeachment proceedings against President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo.

The petitioners, Issifu Seidu Kudus Gbeadese, Elikem Kotoko, and Stephen Kwabena Attuh, said Serwaa Broni alleging that the Presidency initiated an attack on her is a serious offence.

They said the allegations, if proven to be true, would amount to "human rights abuse, abuse of office, exposing the security of Ghana to external threat…" as well as "…dragging the name of the high office of President into disrepute."

The three, in their petition, indicated that they draw their motivation for the petition from Article 41 (a), (b), and (f) of the 1992 Constitution of the Republic of Ghana to uphold and defend the Constitution.

Nana Obiri Boahen
Nana Obiri Boahen

But Obiri Boahen said they will wait for the outcome of the petition before Parliament.

"Let's respect the august House that is why members of Parliament are called Honorable. Let’s not do anything to undermine the integrity of that House. Let’s all wait patiently and listen for what the august House will do.

"It will not serve any purpose for some of us to be running extensive commentaries on some of these things. I am a lawyer by profession let me act and behave as a lawyer. For certainly some of us we are not bothered by the petition at all," he said in an interview on Accra-based Starr FM.