State Institutions Must Collaborate To Avert Undemocratic Cultures

The First Deputy Whip Hon. Ibrahim Ahmed has called for the need to build strong and effective linkages and collaborations among the various state institutions in the country in order Read More... The post State Institutions Must Collaborate To Avert Undemocratic Cultures appeared first on DailyGuide Network.

State Institutions Must Collaborate To Avert Undemocratic Cultures

The First Deputy Whip Hon. Ibrahim Ahmed has called for the need to build strong and effective linkages and collaborations among the various state institutions in the country in order to consolidate the gains of the country’s twenty nine-year old democratic journey.

The Banda Member of Parliament gave the assurance that Parliament will not frustrate the business of the Executive underscoring that the House will never compromise its positive relationship with the other arms of government in the quest to strengthen its independence.

He indicated that while efforts are made to strengthen the independence of Parliament to give Ghanaians the true sense of the democracy that they voted for, the House will not work to frustrate the business of the Executive or any other state institutions.

According to him they have resolved to build a healthy and fruitful relationship with all other state institutions to ensure the existence of a cordial relationship so as to sustain the democratic path the country has chosen to embark upon.

The First Deputy Whip made this submission in Parliament on Thursday on the heels of the brouhaha surrounding the alleged attempted arrests and harassment of the MP for Adenta Constituency Hon. Francis-Xavier Sosu and a purported press statement by issued by the Majority NPP Caucus in Parliament.

Francis-Xavier Sosu had to escape after police officers attempted to forcibly arrest him while leading a demonstration with some youth in his constituency on Monday October 25 and later filed a complaint against the police in Parliament.

It is believed that the basis for his arrest was the fact that some demonstrating youth blocked some roads, which were later removed following the MP’s intervention.

The Speaker of Parliament Rt. Hon. Alban A.S. Bagbin, referred the complaint against two police personnel, ACP Isaac Kojo Asante, the Greater Accra Regional Operations Commander and ACP Eric Winful, the Adenta Divisional Commander to the Privileges Committee of Parliament.

Francis-Xavier Sosu, escaped another arrest on Sunday, October 31, at the Believers House of Prayer Ministries in Madina when, according to party supporters who massed up at the church, security personnel surrounded the church in an attempt to arrest him while he was worshipping in the church.
The Deputy Majority Leader Hon. Alex Afenyo-Markin in response called for a peaceful co-existence and cordial relationship between the two sides of the House as it awaits the return of the Speaker and the two House Leaders who are on a parliamentary duties outside the country.

He added that the synergy this has generated in the working relations among the leadership of state institutions translates into the successes that have been achieved in resolving very delicate and thorny issues that from time to time, confront the nation

The Second Deputy Speaker Hon. Andrew Asiamah Amoako, presiding, on behalf of Leadership entreated members to remain calm and be committed to the peace and delivery of good and services that their constituents so much desire.

The post State Institutions Must Collaborate To Avert Undemocratic Cultures appeared first on DailyGuide Network.